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2 Functions of Respiratory System
Creating voice (singing, talking, etc.) Gas exchange pH Fighting infection

3 Ventilation, External Respiration, and Internal Respiration
Ventilation: fancy word for breathing External respiration: exchange between lungs and alveoli Internal respiration: exchange between blood and tissue

4 Carbon dioxide and its effect on ventilation
When CO2 levels increase--ventilation increases Sometimes called the (ventilation) breathing stimulator

5 Sequence of organs as air passes from outside to in
Through nose and/or mouth Nasal cavity Nasopharynx-throat directly across from nose Orpharynx-throat directly across from mouth Laryngophraynx-throat area above voice box

6 Larynx (voice box or Adam’s apple)
connects the pharynx with the Trachea Laryngeal Prominence is the Adam’s apple Larger the cartilage, deeper the voice

7 Vocal cords Laryngeal muscles open and narrow folds
Ligaments also present--vibrate like guitar strings Faster vibration higher pitch--slower lower pitch Males have longer and thicker ligaments Mouth, nasal cavity, tongue, teeth, sinuses--all add to resonance of voice True vocal cords False vocal cords

8 Glottis and Epiglottis
Glottis is opening to larynx Epiglottis is large leaf shaped piece of cartilage lying on top of the Larynx Epiglottis acts like a trap door covering the opening to the Trachea or Esophagus depending upon breathing or swallowing

9 Trachea Also known as windpipe Made of cartilage
Anterior to the esophagus Extends to the 5th thoracic vertebrae

10 Bronchi comprised of cartilaginous rings
continue branching as the Bronchial Tree

11 Bronchioles Cartilage gets smaller and smaller until reaches alveolar sacs Some sacs on bronchioles End of bronchioles contain bunches of alveoli

12 ALVEOLI Millions of small sacs surrounded by capillaries
Exchange of gases takes place here

13 Lungs paired organs that occupy most of the thoracic cavity
separated from each other by the Heart Mediastinum surrounded serous Membrane called the Pleural Membrane

14 Lungs Three lobes on the right, two on the left
Horizontal fissures divide lobes Contained in pleural cavity Lungs are spongy, move in pleural cavity as they expand

15 External Respiration Exchange of O2 from outside and CO2 from inside taking place in the alveoli and capillaries

16 Internal Respiration Exchange of O2 and CO2 from blood stream and tissues in the body

17 Lung volumes and capacity
Tidal Volume (TV) = 500 ml = volume of air moved in and out of the lungs during breathing Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV) = 3000 ml = volume of air that can forcefully inhaled plus Tidal Volume

18 Lung volumes and capacity
Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) = 1000 ml = volume of air that can be forcefully exhaled plus Tidal Volume Residual Volume (RV) = 1200 ml = volume of always in lungs Vital Capacity (VC) = 4500 ml = maximum volume of air that can be exhaled after taking the deepest possible inhalation VC = TV + IRV + ERV

19 Breathing Stimulus Levels of CO2 in the bloodstream will cause changes in breathing rates CO2 is called the breathing stimulus

20 Respiratory System The end

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