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Mrs. Mazza Sixth Grade- Language Arts Social Studies

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1 Mrs. Mazza Sixth Grade- Language Arts Social Studies
Essential Question- What are the expectations and procedures in mrs. Mazza’s class?

2 About the Course: All lessons are Common Core/ Standards based
Language Arts: In this course, students will work toward mastery of the Common Core standards in all areas of language arts. This includes reading, writing, conventions of language usage (both written and oral), and listening and speaking skills. Social Studies: Students will study the Ancient World beginning with early humans and ending with the Roman Empire. In this course, students will investigate prehistoric hunter-gather societies, Mesopotamia, Egypt, ancient Hebrews, the empire and the dynasties of ancient India and China, and the rise of civilization in ancient Greece and Rome.

3 Materials: Students must come every day with several pencils, paper, their planner, a binder with dividers, and a positive attitude! Recommended- Highlighters Eraser Headphones

4 Planners: Please make sure you are filling out your planners! Planners will be checked daily in Advisory. Students should be writing the daily agenda for each class and any homework assignments.

5 Homework: English Social Studies Daily* 5-a-Day Grammar
Students use their Homework Handbook to complete the 5-a-Day. We will do the first 2 weeks in class. Daily* Reading Log Students will complete 20 minutes of reading per day. Book Block time can not be used to meet this requirement. Students will then complete a reading log each night based on what they read that day. Social Studies Homework may be assigned based on need

6 A.R. Students are required to complete a minimum of 1 A.R. test with a 70% or higher per triad

7 Aeries Check Aeries OFTEN Gradebooks are available online at any time
Students know how to log in and can show parents grades

8 Absences: Students are responsible for make up work
Use the calendar to write down what was missed. Extra worksheets are located in the Extra Work basket under the WICOR wall 2 days to make up work for each day of absence or it is reduced credit See me before or after school if there is something that is unclear, needs to be collected, or if a make up test needs to be scheduled

9 Late or Missing Assignments:
Late or missing work may be accepted for reduced credit.

10 Cell Phones: Cell phone use is not permitted in my classroom. Cell phones will be confiscated and turned in to the front office for pick-up by a parent, as outlined in the student planner/handbook, if out or ringing during class time.

11 Procedures: *No drinks during class time. Students are welcome to bring a water bottle filled with water to drink during class. Drinks are only allowed after students pack up. *When students enter, they immediately take out their planner, copy down the agenda, and start the warm up.

12 Students may sharpen pencils as needed during working times
*Students may sharpen pencils as needed during working times. No more than 1 student at the sharpener at a time. Students must ask permission if pencils need to be sharpened while I am teaching or modeling. * I encourage restroom use during passing period only, but I understand emergencies do arise. Students will hold up the restroom signal if they need to use the restroom. They will then sign out and take the pass. They must return the pass and sign back in when they return.

13 Participation/Behavior Choices
Participation and behavior will be a part of student grades All students will start with 2 points per day, but may lose one or both points due to classroom choices These points will be entered every Friday so students and families may see how their student is performing in regards to participating and following expectations

14 Classroom Management Plan:
Classes can earn marbles for their marble jar. Once the jar is filled, the class will receive a prize and we will start over! If a class is not being respectful, responsible, or safe, marbles may be taken from the jar.

15 If class rules or school rules are broken, we follow the school wide progression plan-
1. Verbal warning/Redirection 2. Review of social skill/structured choice 3. Written Reflection and possible parent contact If the student may receive a referral depending on the severity and/or frequency of the behavior.

16 Communication:
The best way to reach me is by -

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