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The Soviet period After the October revolution in 1917. in connection with the reorganization of secondary schools and the creation of a polytechnic school.

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Presentation on theme: "The Soviet period After the October revolution in 1917. in connection with the reorganization of secondary schools and the creation of a polytechnic school."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Soviet period After the October revolution in in connection with the reorganization of secondary schools and the creation of a polytechnic school psychology completely disappeared from school curricula.

2 Significant influence on the development of psychology as an academic discipline in this period has pedology. In 1924 a new discipline – "Pedology" appeared in the curricula of teacher colleges. As an integrated subject it included information from the general, developmental and educational (pedagogical) psychology, school health, human anatomy and physiology. This situation prevailed until 1936.

3 In 1938 a textbook on psychology edited by K. N. Kornilov, B. M
In 1938 a textbook on psychology edited by K.N. Kornilov, B.M. Teplov, L.M. Shvarts was published. Ad the early 40's in a number of universities (Moscow, Leningrad) the Faculties of psychology were opened. Thus the systematic training of professional psychologists had begin.

4 - 1942 – psychological chair was established at Moscow State university.
Psychology was taught at the historical, biological, legal, economic, geographical facultis. In essence, the psychological chair became a university-wide. During the work of the chair at Moscow State university under the direction of Rubinstein (a famous Russian scientist) significant changes occurred:

5 1. The connection of educational activity and scientific research: the activity of post graduate students, the activity of scientific society, student conferences, scientific contacts with other universities. 2. The involvement of the most important scientists Anohin, Ladygina-Cotes, Bernshtein, Mamardashvili to the process of teaching. 3. The creation of a structure of psychological education. The curricula, the programs of different courses and all the training in general was aimed at a broad, providing deep theoretical knowledge and at the same time mastering the methods of experimental and empirical work.

6 In 1943, the Academy of pedagogical science was established
In 1943, the Academy of pedagogical science was established. And at the same time there was established the Department of Psychology at Moscow State university. 1966. In this year several Departments of Psychology were opened in such cities as: Moscow, Leningrad, Tbilisi, Yaroslavl.

7 In 1965/66 they began to teach psychology at medical and law universities. Medical psychology was taught at medical universities and legal psychology was taught at law universities. 1968 – there were opened new Departments of Psychology in such cities as: Rostov, Samara, Kazan.

8 At the end of the 20th centure at 90 tees an intensive formation of Psychological Service (mainly at secondary schools) took place. Today you can see several great psychological centres in such cities as Kazan, Ufa, Samara, Tver, Perm, Novosibirsk and other cities of Russia.

9 Emphasizing the overall trends in the history of teaching psychology one can distinguish 3 points:
1) the struggle between materialism and idealism in the treatment of a mental nature. This fact influenced much on the different versions of understanding the content of psychology objectives and means of teaching psychology; 2) increasing specialization of functions of psychological education; 3) extension of teaching methods, tools and forms of organization of psychological education.

10 2. Modern psychological education: key trends and levels.
The objects, duration, structure and content of teaching psychology are largely determined by national systems of education, historical traditions, level of development and the status of psychology as a science in any country and also by its economic and political factors.

11 We may distinguish typical trends of modern psychological education of the majority of European countries and USA. They are: - Strengthening students' interest to psychological education. Psychology is in the number of 3-4 subjects, which are most often selected by students to study.

12 - The differentiation of psychological education to science-oriented and practically oriented.
- In many countries psychology is intensively studied in school education. - The integration of national systems of education, especially in Europe.

13 In 1999 - the Bologna Declaration was carried in Italian city Bologna.
29 European countries signed the agreement (Austria, Belgium. United King. France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Portugal, Greece, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Malta, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Romania, Hungary).

14 In 2001 – four more countries joined to the Declaration: Croatia, Cyprus, Liechtenstein and Turkey.
In another 7 countries joined: Russia, Albania. Andorra, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Vatican, Serbia, Macedonia.

15 Now there are more than 40 countries in Bologna union
Now there are more than 40 countries in Bologna union. The main aim of the Bologna Process is to establish a common European Higher Education Area in which students and teachers will be able to move freely from one country to another and their qualifications be recognized.

16 For Russia it was typical a traditional 5-year-old model of training in institutes, academies and universities. In most European countries higher education is carried out in the universities during 3-5 years. In the US, a major institution of higher education is a college that may be a part of the universities or they may have an independent status. Today there is a multi-level training of psychologists.

17 Level 1 - Bachelor (4 years) – general psychological education.
Level 2 - Specialist (5 years) – general and special psychological education. Level 3 - Master's Degree in Psychology (2 years after the bachelor's degree and 1 year after speciality). Master's Program - specialized psychological education in one of the branches of psychology. Master is a "researcher, capable to develop, implement and commercialize concrete innovation projects."

18 But I should say, that according to Bologna declaration most Russian universities now days teach students during 4 years, except several universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

19 Postgraduate psychological education in Russia
Postgraduate education lasts 3-4 years. Finishing the postgraduate course the applicant must defend the thesis, demonstrate the ability to solve specific scientific problems. Higher professional qualification in Russia is the degree of Doctor of Science. There is also a degree of candidate of science.

20 In the sphere of practical psychology estimation system of professional level includes 1st, 2nd, 3d qualification categories. The training programs of postgraduate education of practical psychologists include training courses, seminars, training, retraining and so on.

21 There are 3 main types of professional activities of psychologists:
1) scientific research – the search for new psychological knowledge; 2) practical psychological work – the application of psychological knowledge for solving practical problems; 3) instruction in psychological knowledge and psychological education.

22 Each of these types have specific requirements for the training and professional abilities of a specialist. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, scientific, practical and teaching activities in the field of psychology are inextricably linked. Most of the famous Russian psychologists worked as teachers at universities.

23 Professors and other teachers conducted research, wrote scientific papers and taught students. Professors led the scientific and psychological research. Their teaching activity was directed to the presentation of their concepts and views. Currently, the teaching of psychology in Russia is carried out at universities, colleges and some secondary schools.

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