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What living lessons can 21st-century Christians learn from Noah about FAITH?

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2 What living lessons can 21st-century Christians learn from Noah about FAITH?
Noah’s world was wicked – Gen. 6:5-6, 11-13 Noah’s world was to be destroyed – Gen. 6:6-7 Noah’s faith made him different from the wicked world in which he lived But Genesis never says Noah had “faith” or “believed” Gen. 6:8, 9, 22; 7:1, 5, 9, 16 From the account in Genesis, we learn that faith is more than a mental assent. We learn that true/acceptable faith is an obedient faith.

3 What living lessons can 21st-century Christians learn from Noah about FAITH?
“Being divinely warned of things not yet seen” God warned Noah of impending judgment – 6:7, 13, 17 God warned Noah of things completely imperceptible to man – 6:13, 17, 18, 19, 20 By Faith, Noah’s Head Reasoned All E N C O M P A S I G

4 What living lessons can 21st-century Christians learn from Noah about FAITH?
“Being divinely warned of things not yet seen” By Faith, Noah’s Head Reasoned The time for this event is way off in the future No natural indications that such will happen Nothing like this has ever happened before There will be scoffers who will mock the effort Possible it had never rained before (Gen. 2:5-6; 7:11) There are no bodies of water that large around here If it will flood here, I can just move to another place Had nothing else on which to base his faith than God’s Word! Noah took God at His Word! That was sufficient for him! “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Rom. 10:17) All E N C O M P A S I G

5 What living lessons can 21st-century Christians learn from Noah about FAITH?
“Being divinely warned of things not yet seen” God has warned us of things completely imperceptible to man John 5:28-29; 12:48; 2 Thess. 1:7-9 Do we dismiss because we cannot sense/perceive such ourselves? Or, do we take God at His Word? Is God’s Word on it sufficient for us? Taking God at His Word is faith (and is necessary), but it is not sufficient to save! Saving faith is more than mental assent! John 12:42-43; James 1:22-25; 2:19 All E N C O M P A S I G

6 What living lessons can 21st-century Christians learn from Noah about FAITH?
“Moved with godly fear” – His Heart Reverenced By Faith, Noah’s head reasoned what God said was true By Faith, Noah’s Heart Reverenced God’s Word Personally Phrase “moved with godly fear” is from one Greek word “Reverence, respect” “Reverent awe, reverent circumspection” The emphasis is not on being frightfully afraid The emphasis is on reverential awe of God’s Word – deeply personal Noun form of the word is found twice in New Testament — Heb. 5:7; 12:28 All E N C O M P A S I G

7 What living lessons can 21st-century Christians learn from Noah about FAITH?
“Moved with godly fear” – His Heart Reverenced Moved with reverential awe in his heart for God’s Word: Noah took to heart the judgment of God Made personal the fact that God will do as He says Made personal that he needed to respect God Longed to not displease God but please Him fully Reverential awe for God and His Word is faith (and is necessary), but it is not sufficient to save! Saving faith is more than heartfelt respect for God. Acts 2:37-38; 24:25; 26: “Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all” – Ecc. 12:13 All E N C O M P A S I G

8 What living lessons can 21st-century Christians learn from Noah about FAITH?
“Prepared an ark” – His Hands “Row-beyed” / Obeyed Saving faith is more than mental assent and/or heartfelt respect – Jas. 2:14-16 His head’s reasoning and his heart’s reverence led his hands to obey All E N C O M P A S I G

9 What living lessons can 21st-century Christians learn from Noah about FAITH?
“Prepared an ark” – His Hands “Row-beyed” / Obeyed His obedience to God’s commands was: In anticipation of a future event (flood as a reality) Immediate – Gen. 6:22 Comprehensive – Gen. 6:22 Steadfast/continual for 100 years What an amazing faith! What amazing confidence in God’s Word alone! Noah’s faith pleased God because it reasoned, reverenced and obeyed Him! All E N C O M P A S I G

10 What living lessons can 21st-century Christians learn from Noah about FAITH?
“For the saving of his household” “By which he condemned the world” The world did not see what Noah saw God is the one who condemned the world – Gen. 6:3, 7 Noah condemned the world thru his faith & obedience “By which” refers to his obedience in building ark Noah’s faith (by the ark) stood out in strong contrast to the unbelieving world – John 3:19; Matt. 12:41-42; 2 Cor. 2:15-16 Noah condemned the world through the message he preached – 2 Pet. 2:5; cf. Gen. 7:1 All E N R I C H IN G

11 What living lessons can 21st-century Christians learn from Noah about FAITH?
“For the saving of his household” “By which he condemned the world” “By which he became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith” Righteousness is simply doing what God commanded. There is a righteousness (declared by God) that comes thru obedient faith Noah did all that God commanded him and became an heir of God – Gen. 6:22; 7:1, 5, 16 If Noah had not built the ark and built it to God’s specifications, none of this would have resulted All E N R I C H IN G

12 What living lessons can 21st-century Christians learn from Noah about FAITH?
Noah’s Faith – God’s Lessons for Us You and I have, like Noah, been divinely warned of things not yet seen – Matt. 24:37-39 By faith, like Noah, you and I need to be moved with godly fear – 2 Pet. 2:5 By faith, like Noah, you and I need to prepare for our salvation God said, “eight souls were saved through water” – 1 Pet. 3:20. Through water, they were saved. “Corresponding to that, baptism now saves you—not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscience” – 1 Pet. 3:21

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