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Presence & Engagement Rev Canon Dr Arun John.

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Presentation on theme: "Presence & Engagement Rev Canon Dr Arun John."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presence & Engagement Rev Canon Dr Arun John

2 United Benefice of St Stephen’s and St James Blackburn
Presence & Engagement Rev Canon Dr Arun John United Benefice of St Stephen’s and St James Blackburn

3 Presence & Engagement A parish where 10% or more of the population is from a faith group other than Christianity.

4 St Stephen’s parish (north of Blackburn)
Not multi-faith but bi-faith; Total population 4825; Nearly 70% from other faith background (second highest proportion in diocese); Majority are Sunni Muslims (many from conservative Deobandi and Maududi sects); Deobandi theological college; madrassahs, mosques and independent Islamic schools; St Stephen’s is the only Christian presence the area; Also an area of multiple deprivation.

5 Understanding our context
Presence and engagement training “Pilgrim course” Religious literacy Establishing links with Mosque Church primary schools Community links Getting to know our neighbours

6 Two church Primary Schools
About 95% children from Asian background (majority are Muslim and small minorities of Sikh, Hindu and Christian - often East European); HT’s aim is for pupils to have “first hand encounter with Christian faith”; Christian values embedded in whole school; Collective worship; Whole school in church each term. Curate’s engagement in school.

7 Understanding the Muslim faith
Theological input: Islam is a missionary faith; Revelation of God: The Qur’an or Jesus; Jesus of the Qur’an is not the Jesus of the Bible.

8 Practicalities of witnessing
clash of cultures food/drink/alcohol Dress code/modesty gender roles (especially in conservative cultures) know your own faith and scriptures!

9 Curate’s experience Engagement in school Religiously literate children
Staff ? Language/songs Recognise points of similarity & divergence in faith Welcome, hospitality Community and care of neighbour (Joan’s story) Ministry among women Don’t stereotype!

10 Inter-generational tea, cake and conversation

11 Standing together and praying as a community after the Manchester Arena Bombing May 2017

12 Conclusion & Any Questions?

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