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Intro to Economics.

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1 Intro to Economics

2 Intro to Economics

3 Economics Economics- study of how we make decisions with limited resources Scarcity- not enough resources to produce all the things we want Three basic economic questions: What to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce?


5 Scarcity Scarcity forces us to make decisions
Trade Off- what you did not choose when making a decision Opportunity Cost- value of what you did not choose when making a decision Ex. You blew your paycheck on video games so now you can’t afford concert tickets Trade Off? Opportunity Cost? Trade Off- concert Opportunity Cost- fun with friends, hearing your favorite band


7 Natural Resources- raw materials supplied by nature used in production
Factors of Production 5 Factors of Production Natural Resources- raw materials supplied by nature used in production Ex. Wood, iron, oil Labor- physical and mental capabilities of humans Ex. Workers

8 Factors of Production 3. Capital- money and tools used to produce goods and services Ex. Machines, buildings 4. Entrepreneurship- person who starts the business Ex. Bill Gates 5.Technology- new information to increase productivity Ex. Computers control making things instead of making by hand

9 Productivity and Efficiency
Division of Labor- breaking down of one large job into many smaller jobs Each worker becomes an expert in one isolated area of production Ex. Assembly lines, making a car with an assembly line instead of one person making the car themselves Increases Productivity and efficiency Efficiency= as quick and cheap as possible

10 Division of Labor

11 Productivity and Efficiency
Specialization- people concentrate on goods or services that they produce better than anyone else

12 Markets Market- free and willing exchange of goods and services between buyers and sellers (anywhere) Ex. mall, grocery store, internet, etc.

13 Circular Flow Model Circular Flow- money along with goods and services freely flow between each other Resources leave a business and go to a consumer, then leave a consumer and go to a business Ex. Getting paid by a business then spending the money with another business


15 Lorax Video No talking No cell phones
Answer your questions as you watch

16 Remainder of Class Begin working on your project or completing make up work for this class

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