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Infinite Unlimited Churn

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1 Infinite Unlimited Churn
Dianne Foreback Mikhail Nesterenko Sébastien Tixeuil Lyon, France November 9, 2016

2 Why Infinite Unlimited Churn
Overlay networks continuously undergo topology changes An infinite number of churn requests (joining or leaving requests) and no bound on concurrently joining or leaving processes in a peer-to-peer overlay network While overlay network maintains services (e.g. content retrieval) . . . join(h) join(x2) join(y1) join(m) join(k) join(x2) join(l) join(j2) . . . a b c d e f u v w x y z leave(b) leave(c) leave(e) leave(f) leave(x) leave(y)

3 Infinite Unlimited Churn Problem Statement
Message Safety: message in a transitional link is not lost Terminating Transition: every transitional link eventually becomes stable Message Progress: a message in a stable link is either delivered or forwarded closer to the destination Linear Topology State Transition x y z leave(y, z) received at x join(y) received at x OR Unfair Version Fair Version Request Progress: if there is a process that is requesting to join or to exit the network, then eventually some process respectively joins or exits the network Fair Request: if there is a process that is requesting to join or to exit the network, then eventually this process joins or exits the network. c p g k g requests to join k joins g eventually joins

4 Global vs. Local Solution
Global (centralized) solution: a single processes manages the processing of all churn requests Local solution: only processes in the immediate vicinity of the joining/leaving process are involved in processing the request Local Solution Impossible Local Solution Possible Unfair Version Fair Version Request Progress: if there is a process that is requesting to join or to exit the network, then eventually some process respectively joins or exits the network Fair Request: if there is a process that is requesting to join or to exit the network, then eventually this process joins or exits the network. c p g k g requests to join c p g k g eventually joins c p g k g requests to join c p g k k joins

5 Local Fair Unlimited Infinite Churn Impossible
Fair Request (a particular churn request) cannot be satisfied join(y3) join(y1) Request for y3 to join but y’ joins first x y z join(y3) join(y2) Request for y3 to join but now y2 joins. Can be repeated infimum. x y y’ z

6 Unfair Infinite Unlimited Churn (UIUC) Algorithm
Linear Topology State Transition x y z leave(y, z) received at x join(y) received at x OR UIUC join and leave request handling 5. ftd a. join(y) x y z 3. tda 1.1 sua(z) 4. tdb 1.2 sua 2.2 sub 2.1 sub b. leave(y, z) 1. sua 3.1 tda 2. sub 3.2 tda 4.2 tdb 4.1 tdb

7 Extending to Skip Lists
level join order level leave order 3 2 levels 1 x y processes

8 Infinite Unlimited Churn
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