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Free E Mail Services Gmail Hot Mail How do they make money?

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Presentation on theme: "Free E Mail Services Gmail Hot Mail How do they make money?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Email – Electronic Mail

2 Free E Mail Services Gmail Hot Mail How do they make money?
Sell ad space Sell your address Limited Protection from viruses

3 Commercial E Mail Services
MS Office Mail Verizon Limited Ads Protection Costs

4 When Sending E Mail Messages
Know the receivers e mail addresses (address books). All addresses are unique. Be sure to type address accurately & correctly. Risk of lost messages. DNS - Domain Name System

5 Email – MS Office 365 Outlook Explorer Online Version Limited Options
Desktop Version Many more options available

6 Parts of an E Mail Address

7 Composing an Email Message
TO: Who your message is sent to CC: Carbon Copy to a person BC: Blind Copy Subject Line: What your message is about Attachment: Sending document attached to your .

8 Email Messages Should:
Be brief & to the point. Follow all spelling and grammar rules. Be typed in Initial Caps NOT ALL CAPS. Typing in ALL CAPS is considered SHOUTING.




12 Office 365 Account Login

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