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ColoPlus – benefits by value adding

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1 ColoPlus – benefits by value adding

2 About ColoPlus AB a private Swedish biotechnology company
develops clinically proven products in Bioactive Nutrition the ColoPlus team: renowned medical scientists biotechnology professionals business leaders we offer: exclusive license and knowhow worldwide

3 Bovine colostrum – sleeping local resource
Significant potential when processed under scientific control and administered for optimal effect as food product. Profitable additional business for biotech innovators. Value adding innovation – to be offered as single food product ColoPlus or integrated in existing porridge or cereals..

4 ColoPlus® IMCARE bovine colostrum porridge mix
based on natural nutrition rich in bioactive properties boosts immune defence supports nutritional status clinically proven - therapeutic effect - nutritional effect granted international patents exploring colostrum - local sleeping resource

5 ColoPlus + Africa a love story

6 Clinical study – Gulu, Uganda

7 Clinical results Clinical studies Uganda (2) and Nigeria (1)
stopping diarrheas increasing CD4+ cell counts – marker of immunity recovery achieving weight gain, increasing hemoglobin and serum albumin – markers of nutritional status reducing fatigue levels, improving a sense of well-being and functionality in immune-suppressed adults and children These findings are in published studies: World Journal of AIDS, 2015, 5, ; Indian Journal of Gastroenterology, 2011, 30(6): ; Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2006, 41, ;

8 ColoPlus® IMCARE concept: Bioactive agents and nutrition in combination
Mechanism of action Immunoglobulins give local effect preventing intestinal infections. They attack food- and water-borne organisms that cause disease. Other bioactivities (growth factors, lactoperoxidase, proline-rich peptides, minerals, vitamins) act systemic. Macronutrients (i.e. essential amino acids, high value proteins, carbohydrates) enhance nutritional status. Effect starts already in the mouth and continues along GI mucous membrane

9 ColoPlus as porridge – superior administration form
A dry porridge powder composed of two parts: a bioactive part – bovine colostrum a vehicle - formed by organic particulate matter Good way to administer an effective dose of colostrum Safe way to administer bioactivities: Protective effect of a matrix. Influence on emptying of stomach (Particle size, viscosity - increase in gastric residence time, decrease of dissolution rate of the bioactivities);

10 ColoPlus® IMCARE nutritional facts/bioactive components
Nutrional facts per 100 g Energy (kJ/kcal) 1650/350 Proteins (g) 23 Fat (g) 2 Carbohydrates (g) 69 Lactose (g) 6 Dietary fibers (g) 1.8 Major bioactive components per 100 g IgG (g) 7.4 IgA (g) 1.1 Proline-rich polypeptides (g) 1.5 Lactoferrin (g) 0.5 Lactoperoxidase (g) 0.2 TGF-β (mg) 8.3 IGF-1 (µg) 100 IGF-2 (µg) 7.2 TGF-α (µg) 0.8

11 License: Gowardhan Dairy group, India
Parag Milk Foods Ltd


13 Colostrum collection for ColoPlus use
Requirements to contracted farms: not using BST in breeding or milk production practice antibiotic free Quality of liquid colostrum is ensured by collection during time frame according to quality specifications testing on regular basis for the presence of antibiotics, pesticides, heavy metals and disease-causing pathogens Critical points for quality Colostrum collection Three qualities 24 h, 48 h, 72 h Freezing -18 °C Time !! Time of storage before processing Colostrum 24 hrs Colostrum 48 hrs Colostrum 72 hrs Microbiological quality Liquid colostrum

14 Colostrum processing in production unit
Filtration Heat treatment Drying Colostrum powder Processing Fat separation Liquid or frozen colostrum from farm Common dairy equipment including spray-/freeze dryer Colostrum powder should be prepared under controlled conditions from colostrum of good quality according to specifications Colostrum milk should be tested for the presence of antibiotics, pesticides, heavy metals and disease-causing pathogens and for the level of biological activity

15 Acknowledgements IKEA Foundation; Swedish Embassy, Kampala, Uganda;
Ministry of Health, Uganda; Gulu Women Economic Development and Globalisation, Uganda; The Districts of Amuru, Gulu and Nwoya-Northern Uganda; Research Teams; The participants (Community).

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