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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.

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Presentation on theme: "10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


3 What are contours? Imaginary lines Drawn on a map Connecting places
Which are at equal elevation (height above sea level) How are contours drawn?

4 S U R T Q E P G D F B M A C L I J H O K N

5 238 240 252 276 263 297 279 280 300 317 320 285 325 314 289 309 298 280 254 281 264

6 238 240 240 252 260 276 260 263 300 297 280 279 280 .300 317 320 285 325 314 320 289 309 300 298 280 280 280 254 281 260 264

7 Contour Interval The difference of elevation between two successive contours Contour interval on the toposheet is 20 meters.

8 INDEX CONTOURS Every 5th contour, with height mentioned

9 Characteristics of Contours
All places on the contour line lie at the same elevation Contours never intersect each other Contour interval (difference between two successive contour values) is uniform throughout the map All contour values are multiples of the contour interval Height of any place on map can be determined

10 Spacing between contours
Widely spaced contours Gentle slope Closely packed contours Steep slope Overlapping contours Vertical slope


12 Let’s take a walk up a hill!

13 We’re now at an elevation of 100 meters.

14 Let’s keep going! 100m

15 Now we’re at 200m. 200m 100m

16 Shall we march on? 200m 100m

17 We’ve made it to 300m! 300m 200m 100m

18 On to the peak! 300m 200m 100m

19 We’re on the peak, but what’s our elevation?
300m 200m 100m

20 Let’s add contour lines for every 50 meters and see if that helps.
Any ideas? Let’s add contour lines for every 50 meters and see if that helps. 300m 200m 100m

21 We know that we are above 350m, but less than 400m.

22 Let’s head down the hill, it’s getting late!
350m 300m 250m 200m 150m 100m 50m

23 Now what’s our elevation?
If you said somewhere between 200m and 250m you are right! 350m 300m 250m 200m 150m 100m 50m

24 Let’s try this again! 350m 300m 250m 200m 150m 100m 50m

25 What’s our elevation now?
If you said 50m or just under, you’re right! 350m 300m 250m 200m 150m 100m 50m

26 Let’s now look at the same hill, but the way we might see it from an airplane!

27 Each color change represents a 50 meter increase.

28 Now, let’s try the same hike! Our elevation is 0 meters.

29 Now what is our elevation?

30 If you said more than 150 meters, but less than 200 meters your right!

31 Let’s go a little higher.

32 Think you know our elevation now?
More than 300meters But less than 350meters

33 If we were standing on the peak, what would be our elevation?
More than 350 meters, less than 400 meters

34 Let’s head down hill.

35 Know our elevation?

36 More than 100 meters, less than 150 meters



39 FORM LINES Drawn where it is not possible to draw contours and there is a prominent relief feature which is lesser in height than the contour interval

40 Types of slopes

41 Uniform Gentle Slope

42 Uniform Gentle Slope 320 280 300 260 240 220

43 Uniform Steep Slope

44 Uniform Steep Slope 260 320 300 180 200 220 240 140 160 280

45 Concave Slope

46 Concave Slope 240 220 320 260 280 300

47 Convex Slope

48 Convex Slope

49 Features of Contour Diagrams
Spacing gives idea of slope Shape of contours resembles shape of relief feature in ariel view It is possible to visualise the shape of the relief feature



52 CONICAL HILL 320 300 280 260


54 ASYMMETRICAL HILL 320 300 280 260


56 CIRCULAR PLATEAU 320 300 280 260


58 RIDGE 320 300 280 260





63 SADDLE 320 300 280 260


65 220 240 200 260 300 280

66 V SHAPED VALLEY 320 340 300 280 260 240 220 200 180

67 WATERFALL 320 340 300 280 260 240 220 200




71 An Escarpment

72 CONTOURS: 45 D/7 9293: Ridge 9289: Ridge (uniform) 9390: Ridge (steep) 9489: Hill 7975: Conical hill 9284: Conical hill 9782: Escarpment 9689: Saddle/ col 9783: Col/ Saddle 45 D/10 1907: Cliff( very steep) 2012: V shaped valley

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