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Introductory Call on THE LEVELS OF LIFE MODEL AND THE CORE DYNAMICS MODEL Presenter: Adriana Bacelis.

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Presentation on theme: "Introductory Call on THE LEVELS OF LIFE MODEL AND THE CORE DYNAMICS MODEL Presenter: Adriana Bacelis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introductory Call on THE LEVELS OF LIFE MODEL AND THE CORE DYNAMICS MODEL Presenter: Adriana Bacelis

2 Great Life Technologies Human Software Engineering Human Software Engineering Core Dynamics Coaching Core Dynamics Coaching Levels of Life Model Levels of Life Model Core Dynamics Model Core Dynamics Model

3 Human Software Engineering TM A new field pioneered by Great Life Technologies, LLC. A new field pioneered by Great Life Technologies, LLC. We have been developing great insights to understand and resolve the basis of human conditioning with The Core Dynamics Model… We have been developing great insights to understand and resolve the basis of human conditioning with The Core Dynamics Model… In this model, what we look into is the nature of pre verbal human conditioning; where Conflicts in Consciousness are created In this model, what we look into is the nature of pre verbal human conditioning; where Conflicts in Consciousness are created

4 LEVELS OF LIFE MODEL Bio Mechanical – massage, brush teeth, rub our knee, surgery Bio Mechanical – massage, brush teeth, rub our knee, surgery Bio Chemical – drug intake, diet, nutrition, supplements Bio Chemical – drug intake, diet, nutrition, supplements Bio Energetic – CoRe Inergetix remedies, wristbands, bioresonance, biofeedback, Homeopathy, Bach Flower remedies, Reiki Bio Energetic – CoRe Inergetix remedies, wristbands, bioresonance, biofeedback, Homeopathy, Bach Flower remedies, Reiki Bio Awareness – Prayers, statements, repetition, mantras, psychotherapy, Informational Medicine, The Core Dynamics of Common Problems Bio Awareness – Prayers, statements, repetition, mantras, psychotherapy, Informational Medicine, The Core Dynamics of Common Problems

5 Why will this be of help as a CoRe Inergetix user / practitioner? Sometimes Conflicts in Consciousness are at the basis of any symptom on the physical level Sometimes Conflicts in Consciousness are at the basis of any symptom on the physical level You will be able to traduce this knowledge into your practice You will be able to traduce this knowledge into your practice It is not only for your patients/clients but can also help you to clean your landscape to be present in your practice and in your life It is not only for your patients/clients but can also help you to clean your landscape to be present in your practice and in your life

6 We all as humans have a background of unresoloved inner conflicts. And we all know that when they are not addressed, they cause problems… usually at the next level up. We all as humans have a background of unresoloved inner conflicts. And we all know that when they are not addressed, they cause problems… usually at the next level up. An Inner Conflict occurs when we have a Natural Intention that becomes mixed with our Conditioned Responses. An Inner Conflict occurs when we have a Natural Intention that becomes mixed with our Conditioned Responses.

7 Natural Intention Is the expression of our essential nature, of our true self, of who we really are. Is the expression of our essential nature, of our true self, of who we really are.

8 Conditioned Responses Are the behaviors that are the expression of what we have learned through our experiences in life, they are pre-verbal and pre-cognitive. Are the behaviors that are the expression of what we have learned through our experiences in life, they are pre-verbal and pre-cognitive. They have become a part of who we think we are and how we perceive things. They have become a part of who we think we are and how we perceive things.

9 Identifications – sometimes getting the sense of who we are from what we think we are… and that becomes self defining. Identifications – sometimes getting the sense of who we are from what we think we are… and that becomes self defining. Unresolved Emotional Pain - It is held in the body because of incomplete experiences in the past Unresolved Emotional Pain - It is held in the body because of incomplete experiences in the past Conditioned Responses are barriers that come from two basic categories…

10 This is how it looks like… When a desire comes from a Natural Intention, it is valid from the origin… you dont have to justify it or be right about it When a desire comes from a Natural Intention, it is valid from the origin… you dont have to justify it or be right about it When a desire comes from a Conditioned Response, it needs to be validated or justified – We have the need to be on the RIGHT side of a conflict… There is where we find struggle When a desire comes from a Conditioned Response, it needs to be validated or justified – We have the need to be on the RIGHT side of a conflict… There is where we find struggle

11 For a Deeper Understanding When we are very little before we even acquire language, we make decisions about ourselves and about our experience of the world around us at the level of feeling… This is why we call it pre-verbal conditioning. When we are very little before we even acquire language, we make decisions about ourselves and about our experience of the world around us at the level of feeling… This is why we call it pre-verbal conditioning.


13 The Core Dynamics of Common Problems Trying to Force An Outcome Looking for Yourself Where You Are Not Resisting Feeling Things Fully Illusions Struggle Isolation Frustration Excluding Other Perspectives Manufacturing Interpretations Over-reacting To Circumstances Ignoring Your Intuition Being Judgmental Avoiding The Present Mistaking Need For Love Resisting Change Limiting Self Expression

14 Why does this work? Level of Understanding, not just with your intellect but to really be clear under where you are standing Level of Understanding, not just with your intellect but to really be clear under where you are standing Learn what is really causing the problem Learn what is really causing the problem Make a clear distinction between our Conditioned Responses and our Natural intentions Make a clear distinction between our Conditioned Responses and our Natural intentions

15 Dismantling the habits Dismantling the habits We are conditioned to think that habits are just there… and that it is very hard to end them or replace them… We are conditioned to think that habits are just there… and that it is very hard to end them or replace them… What if you could learn THE POWER OF HOW to dismantle them through great Techniques that will allow you to act from your inner knowing … What if you could learn THE POWER OF HOW to dismantle them through great Techniques that will allow you to act from your inner knowing … What if you could also be able to teach your clients/patients – kids… etc. how to solve the basis of their own anger, frustration and fear. What if you could also be able to teach your clients/patients – kids… etc. how to solve the basis of their own anger, frustration and fear.

16 PROGRAM Deep understanding of the Core Dynamics Model. Deep understanding of the Core Dynamics Model. Presentation and Practice of The 8 Pure Awareness Techniques to resolve emotional pain, fears and identifications. Presentation and Practice of The 8 Pure Awareness Techniques to resolve emotional pain, fears and identifications. 3 simple but powerful new remedy trays 3 simple but powerful new remedy trays Levels of life Levels of life 12 Core Dynamics 12 Core Dynamics 8 Pure awareness techniques 8 Pure awareness techniques

17 $ 295.00 dls. Include: 6 – 1.5 hr. webinar sessions 6 – 1.5 hr. webinar sessions Welcome to retake this same program as many times as youd like Welcome to retake this same program as many times as youd like Core Dynamics of Common Problems TM How much does the program cost?

18 When does it start? Thursday, October 8th Thursday, October 8th 10 am to 11:30 am PT 10 am to 11:30 am PT Weekly basis for 6 weeks Weekly basis for 6 weeks

19 Thank you for more information

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