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Book p.44 Lets read about favorite foods of people around the world, said Mrs. Chan. Book p.44 Favorite Foods Around the World People from different.

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2 Book p.44

3 Lets read about favorite foods of people around the world, said Mrs. Chan. Book p.44 Favorite Foods Around the World People from different countries have their own favorite foods. These foods may be very different, but they are all delicious. This is because, when people cook the same type of food every day, they often become experts at doing it.

4 Book p.44 Rice is an important part of the Asian diet,but people from different countries have come up with many ways of cooking rice.For example, China is famous for its fried rice and porridge while Japan is well known for sushi.

5 Book p.45 People living in western countries often eat bread. Americans love hot dogs while the French prefer croissant. They may both be bread, but they taste very different. In some countries, beef dishes are very popular. In New Zealand, roast beef with vegetables is an all-time favorite. Australians also love all sorts of beef dishes like steak pies.

6 Nowadays, you can find different foods from all over the world in most big cities. So, you need not travel very far to try most of it! In fact, you could even try to cook it at home! Book p.45

7 Book p.46 Mrs. Chan took her class on a picnic to the park.Great! Everyone has brought lunch-boxes! exclaimed Mrs. Chan. What have you got in your lunch-boxes? Ive got burgers in mine. Ive got croissants in mine. What's in yours?.

8 Book p.46 Pierre has got croissants in his and Florence has got burgers in hers. I wonder whats in theirs.

9 Book p.46 Lets share the noodles and dim sum in ours with them. Great idea!!

10 Book p.47 Mrs. Chan asked some of the children about their families eating habits. Where does your family usually eat at the weekend? We always eat at restaurants at the weekend.

11 Book p.47 What do you usually eat at restaurants? We always order dim sum. Sometimes we have rice and noodles.

12 Book p.47 Do you parents ever cook? My parents never cook on weekdays,but they sometimes make porridge at the weekend.

13 Book p.48 What about you? Do you also dine out at the weekend? My family is different. We seldom dine out at the weekend. My mother is a great cook so we often eat her home- made dishes.

14 Book p.48 Words that show how often something happens All the timeNot at all alwaysusuallyoftensometimesseldomnever

15 Book p.49 After the picnic, Mrs. Chan and the children walked past a fruit stall. The children talked about the fruits. We add --- er to the end of some words to compare two things. The strawberries are sweet but the grapes are sweeter. For some words, we repeat the last letter before addinger to the end of the words. The honeydew melons are big but the watermelons are bigger.

16 Book p.49 Watch out for words ending with y ! For these words, we drop the y and add –ier to the end of the words. The pears look so juicy but the peaches look juicier. We add more in front of some words to compare two things. The apples are beautiful but the cherries are more beautiful.

17 Book p.50 Next, Mrs. Chan took the children to a café. They sat around a table and ordered food. May I take your order? Could I have a plate of fried rice, a bowl of soup and a cup of tea, please? I think I will have a slice of pizza and a glass of iced lemon tea. Shall we share a jug of fruit juice?

18 Book p.51 The next day, Mrs. Chan asked the class to create a menu of their favorite food. Polly and Richland came up with their menu for day. Pollys Menu Breakfast: A bowl of porridge A cup of tea Lunch : A plate of seafood fried rice Dinner : A glass of water Dessert : A slice of chocolate

19 Book p.51 Richard's Menu Breakfast : A piece of cheese A glass of milk Lunch : A slice of pizza Dinner : A plate of spinach pasta A glass of orange juice Dessert : A box of cookies

20 Book p.52 Richard and Polly wanted to plan a party for their class..I wonder what our classmates like to eat and drink. Lets make a survey form and pass it around for them to complete.

21 Book p.52 The title shows what the survey is about. Instructions tell people what to do. Column labels help to organizes the survey. The byline show who the survey is done by.

22 Book p.55 Pollys friend, Jane talked about the local delicacies in her country. Pollys did not know what `delicacy meant, so she decided to check a dictionary to find out. We use guide words to find words in a dictionary. The first guide word shows us the first dictionary entry on the page. The second guide word shows us the last entry on the page. So `delicious is on the page with the guide words `defrost and `delighted !

23 Book p.55 First guide word First entry Second guide word Last entry

24 Book p.42 Id bald wild cold told sold It malt salt belt felt melt Ip Help gulp whelp

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