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Amber Ward Townsend Hall 109 LTC 4240 – Art for Children

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1 Amber Ward Townsend Hall 109 LTC 4240 – Art for Children

2 Blackboard:

3 The foci of this course is on the teaching methods and strategies of art, which are appropriate for elementary students K-6. Students in this class will explore studio media, materials, and related visual art education experiences.

4 Required Text/Sources
Mizzou Media Custom Publishing Booklet for LTC 4240 Art for Children-Elementary-Sections 1, 2, & 3 SP2013 available at University Bookstore Bang, M. (2000). Picture this: How pictures work. New York, NY: SeaStar Books. Pink, D. (2005). A whole new mind. New York, NY: Riverhead. Selected reviews, examples, videos provided during class time or on the LTC 4240 Blackboard or Weebly course website.


6 Course Assignments Art Field Experience Weebly Reflections
Common Core Museum Activity Technology Popplet Group Work Expressive Sound Poem Video Weebly Portfolio: Studio Experiences and Reflections A Child’s Drawing Analysis Research Paper Art Unit with Lesson Plans

7 Assignment Points: Weebly Reflections 40 pts.
Common Core Museum Activity pts. Popplet Group Work pts. Expressive Sound Poem (Visual Art portion) 30 pts. Weebly Portfolio pts. A Child’s Drawing Analysis Research Paper 60 pts. Art Unit with Lesson Plans pts. Attendance, Class Participation, Professionalism pts.


9 Art Field Experience Weebly Reflections: Elementary art and classroom observations in assigned field experience location (outside of class) Common Core Museum Activity: Museum field trip during class time to MU Museum of Art and Archaeology

10 Popplet Group Work Students will work with peers in order to create a digital graphic organizer to present to classmates, which will synthesize one of the four instructional units: Unit 1: Identity Unit 2: Relationships Unit 3: Stories Unit 4: Celebrations

11 Expressive Sound Poem This collaborative group project gives students the opportunity to integrate music, literacy, drama, and the arts into one synthesized video. Students will be working on this assignment outside of and inside class in the art and music courses during weeks six through eight.

12 Weebly Portfolio Students will initiate and utilize a Weebly website as personal portfolio to hold studio images and reflections as well as additional coursework.

13 A Child’s Drawing Analysis Research Paper
This is a qualitative research project on child artistic development whereby students analyze and reflect deeply on one child’s drawing. Please see syllabus, Weebly, and Course Outline for details.

14 Art Unit with Lesson Plans
Students will create one lesson plan with elementary learners in mind that integrates art, literacy, and one additional content area.

15 Daily Agenda, Course Outline, and Syllabus:
Review Weebly for Daily Agenda, Course Outline, and Syllabus:

16 Background Image Source:

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