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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO COMPARATIVE POLITICS"— Presentation transcript:


2 Question I: What is Comparative Politics?
Comparative politics is a sub field of Political Science Comparative politics analyzes the governments/politics of different nations to see how they are similar and different. Comparing is one of the most basic processes of the human Mind A Compartivist will look at the judiciary of two countries to see how each work and then draw conclusions from that comparison or look at the health care and see what conclusions they can deduce about each country We will discuss this further over the next few weeks

3 Question 2: What is the general frame work of an introductory Comparative Politics course?
Comparative Government AP//Honors is similar to a college introductory course-this course is taught at KU with the exact texts you are using. There are discussions of theory, terms, themes, and classification of nations…it is important to know the “language” of Political Science The we examine/compare 7 Nations around our themes: Great Britain, Russia, Nigeria, Mexico, China, Iran, the United States

4 Themes Sovereignty, Authority and Power
Political Institutions: Legislative, Executive, Judicial Citizen, State, and Collective Identities: Relationship between Citizen and State-how Citizens see themselves Political and Economic Change: Democracy, Authoritarianism, Command Economy, Market Economy and everything in between Policy Making: How Policy is formed and implemented

5 How We Will Approach This Class
First First 3-4 Weeks Will be Spend Discussing “Language” of Political Science Secondly Then We Spend he Bulk of the Course Comparing Nations States around our themes Thirdly We Wrap it All Up With a General Comparison Across all the Nations Methods Readings-Text Book and Articles Class Discussion of Readings and Class Work Essays/AP Worksheets Group Projects Weekly Journal Articles Nation Summaries Web Page Creation

6 Grades Essays/AP Worksheets In Class Take Home Quizzes/Exams/Worksheets Text Book Readings Article Readings Nation Sate Reports/Nation Sate Web Page/Comparative Paper Brief reports on Nation States and Themes Semester Web Page on Nation Sate Weekly Journal Articles; Blog; 3 Daily Points Current Events Blog on Current events/Course Assignments are expected to be turned in on the date assigned; 10% will be deducted for each day late. You may always come and talk to me about reasonable requests for an alternate due date. If assignments are not returned within a week of the due date 10 % extra credit will be given on the assignment Hard work: you will get out of this class what you put into it-if you “blow it off” it will be worthless!!!!


8 Class Conduct Class Expectations for : We will discuss this more at the beginning of the year as I feel it is important that that you express your own expectations of yourself and of me….you are half the dynamic that makes this class room-your thoughts and ideas count!!!!!  My Expectations of you: • You will come to class prepared and ready to go- • You will respect yourself, instructor and fellow students in the class room o Respect  listening while instructor is talking  listening while fellow students are stating their ideas  having your work done-shows you care for the class and your own time  treating the teacher and fellow students in a manner in which you would like to be treated and addressed  allowing fellow students to learn and enjoy the class even if you are having a tough/distracted day • Assignments are expected to be turned in on the date assigned; 10% will be deducted for each day late. You may always come and talk to me about reasonable requests for an alternate due date Expectations of me: • Each of you will be treated with respect and valued as students and young adults • Positive interactions will be recognized and valued • The class will be organized and an invigorating learning experience-I will come to class each day ready to teach and explain • I will always do my bst to take into account the Seabury schedule and your schedule when assigning due dates. • Papers and assignments will be returned within a week of the due date • Assignments will have a purpose and help you learn the material • Teacher will always be available for help Repercussions: • Two Reprimands • Moved from seat to another location • Asked to leave room and go to Commons-discuss after class • Meeting with parents and Dean of Students as appropriate

9 FINAL QUESTION: Why should one engage in all this work-all these class room expectations? This includes you and me both I mean, you all have plenty on your plate don’t you?? I know i do!!!! My answer: we live in interesting, turbulent, and uncharted times This course will give you a look into the world as it is today; will help you know what the real score is; help you as globalcitizens and u.S. Citizens formulate true ideas about what is really happening Also, in the end, knowledge is power and to be honest pretty darned cool. After this course, you will know more about the world political situation than most of your parents, teachers, and friends. That is awesome in and of itself!!!!!! Finally, by doing well on the ap exam, you can get some college creidt!!!!!

10 WEBSITES Seabury Academy Google Docs


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