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Shigeru Yoshida and Aya Ishihara

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1 Shigeru Yoshida and Aya Ishihara
Constraints on the origins of the ultra-high energy cosmic-rays using the IceCube diffuse neutrino limits Shigeru Yoshida and Aya Ishihara Department of Physics Chiba University

2 IceCube is reaching to the GZK regime
A.Ishihara for the IceCube collaboration ICRC (2011) ¼ IceCube ½ IceCube 2009 Full IceCube sensitivity (MC)

3 IceCube is reaching to the GZK regime
IceCube collaboration (Corres. A. Ishihara) PRD (2011) Models The half IceCube # of events The full IceCube (3 years)  GZK1 (Yoshida et al) * 0.57 3.1  GZK2 Strong Evol. (Sigl) ** 0.91 (C.L 53.4%) 4.9  GZK3 (ESS with WL=0.0) *** 0.29 1.5  GZK4 (ESS with WL=0.7) *** 0.47 2.5  GZK5 (Ahlers max) **** 0.89 (C.L 52.8%) 4.8  GZK6 (Ahlers best fit) **** 0.43 2.3  Z-Burst # 1.03 (C.L 55.7%) 5.1  Top Down(SUSY) ## 5.68 (C.L 99.6%) 31.6  Top Down(QCD) ### 1.19 (C.L 66.4%) 6.3  W&B(evol) ^ 3.7 24.5  W&B(no evol) ^ 1.1 5.5

4 “GZK” n = history of UHECR radiation
Yoshida and Teshima, Prog.Theo.Phys (1993) m=4 In < 1 EeV  source evolution m=2 ~ (1+z)m In > 10 EeV  Emax Emax =1022 eV Emax =1021 eV

5 In @ 1EeV is robust against
Kotera, Allard, Olinto JCAP (2010) Emax dependence IceCube Energy Range IceCube collaboration (Corres. A. Ishihara) PRD (2011) Transition model dependence 1EeV is robust against Emax and UHECR transition model

6 Identify UHECR sources by measurement of cosmological evolution
Kotera, Allard, Olinto JCAP (2010) Evolution Curve IceCube Energy Range GZK n early history of cosmic radiation!

7 GZK cosmogenic n flux estimates: model-independent analytical approach
Adding up contribution from sources at z Emission rate per comoving volume ~(1+z)m n yield with EGEN=En(1+zn) from UHECR proton emitted from sources at z>zn. zn; redshift when generates n Semi-analytically computable when neglect IR/O background – n is generated only by pgCMB photo-pion production only via D-resonance simplify the pg collision kinematics as a single pion production approximate UHECR energy attenuation length as a constant above 1020 eV Usable as GZK n version of Waxman-Bahcall Formula

8 Comparison with the “full-blown” MC
IceCube Energy Range Remarkable agreement around En~ 1EeV departure at En<100PeV due to the far-IR contribution and D-resonance approximation departure at En>5EeV Analytical formula due to Emax, E-a dependence Numerical/MC Provides reasonable estimates In the IceCube energy range within uncertainty of ~factor of two uncertain far-IR roles uncertain UHECR flux accuracy of the approx. consistent with

9 Constraints on UHECR source evolution
At present --- a half IceCube run IceCube collaboration PRD (2011) r ~ (1+z)m 0<z<zmax Already disfavors AGN radio-loud jet as UHECR emitter AGN FR II

10 Constraints on UHECR source evolution
In 3 years --- full IceCube 5 year run r ~ (1+z)m 0<z<zmax IF null detection… Completely rule out AGN radio-loud jet as UHECR emitter AGN FR II

11 Constraints on UHECR source evolution
In 3 years --- full IceCube 5 year run GRB r ~ (1+z)m 0<z<1 IF null detection… r ~ const. 1<z<zmax SFR Disfavors GRB/normal galaxies as UHECR emitter UHECR composition hypothesis (proton dominated) now in question!

12 Summary and Conclusion
GZK n search by IceCube puts solid constraints on UHECR source evolution insensitive to uncertain radio, IR/O BSL and B in contrast to the bound by the Fermi diffuse g limit (ex. Ahlers et al Astropart.Phys. 2010) UHE n detection rate at O(EeV) is a practical indicator of the source evolution realizable by IceCube, ARA, ARIANNA etc. A null detection by IceCube would suggest UHECR sources are very weakly evolved with m<3 or heavy nuclei composition

13 Backup

14 GZK cosmogenic n estimates: derivation from the energetics
Similar method used in Wang, Liu, Aharonian, ApJ (2011) Total energy channeling into n relative to injected p energy (Engel Seckel, Stanev PRD ) Pros: No D-resonance approximation  better description for low En This method Cons: Significant overestimation of flux for higher En, and consequently, high-Z epochs because it neglects attenuation of UHECR flux by the GZK mechanism

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