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Emergency Evacuation Procedures

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Presentation on theme: "Emergency Evacuation Procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Lathrop Intermediate School

2 During fire and disaster drills
ALWAYS REMEMBER! Keep calm Avoid talking Move at a rapid and safe pace

3 What Do Our Alarms Mean? Fire Alarm: Repetitive Bells and Strobe Lights Flashing Signals

4 What Do Our Alarms Mean? Disaster Alarm: Intercom announcement followed by repetitive bells

5 What Do Our Alarms Mean All Clear: A long continuous bell

6 Know Before You Go Know what room you are in. Know what route to take.
Know where you will be standing with your class.


8 When a Fire or Disaster Occurs
Evacuation Procedures When the alarm sounds, students shall form a line quickly, quietly and in an orderly manner. YES YES NO

9 When a Fire or Disaster Occurs
The teacher will take the RED Emergency Backpack with CURRENT class roster and the clipboard with the emergency packet as they exit the classroom. Teachers shall close classroom door(s), but WILL NOT LOCK THEM

10 When a Fire or Disaster Occurs
Students shall walk to the assigned designated exit or nearest unobstructed exit and leave the building in an orderly fashion.

11 When a Fire or Disaster Occurs
Each class shall proceed to their predetermined location on the athletic field or blacktop area and far enough removed so there will be no interference with fire/police/rescue department operations.

12 Your Class Will Be Assigned Your Room Number When the Drill/Emergency Occurs

13 Please play the video

14 When a Fire or Disaster Occurs
Students should STAND quietly in two (2) rows, head-behind-head in order to listen for instructions by the Command Center and teacher.

15 When a Fire or Disaster Occurs
Each teacher shall make an accurate check of all pupils under his or her responsibility.

16 When a Fire or Disaster Occurs
Teachers will mark the Emergency Drill Attendance Report with the names of students who are ABSENT or MISSING and send it with ONE student to the Command Center located in the middle of the evacuation area.

17 When a Fire or Disaster Occurs
Teachers and students will remain in the evacuation area until the ALL CLEAR is given via bell or through the Command Center instructions to return back to class under the supervision of the teacher.

18 Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and BE SAFE!
Remember, Spartans: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and BE SAFE!

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