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  How to Deliver Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) Lessons

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1   How to Deliver Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) Lessons
Learning Objective (LO) Skill Development & Guided Practice (SD&GP) 1. Teacher pre-reads the LO. (Students track) 2. Students read the LO. 3. Students read the LO to their partner. 4. Teacher selects students to read the LO. Skill Development 1. Teacher & students read a step. 2. Teacher models the step. 3. Students pair-share teachers’ thinking. 4. Teacher selects student to re-explain teachers’ thinking. Repeat process for each step Activate Prior Knowledge (APK) Sub-Skill 1. Teacher does the 1st problem. If difficult, pair-share and ask a CFU process question. 2. Students do the 2nd problem. Use whiteboards if needed. Students pair-share results. 3. Teacher selects students to check results. 4. Teacher makes connection to the LO. Guided Practice 1. Teacher & students read a step. 2. Students complete the step. 3. Students pair-share their thinking. 4. Teacher selects student to explain their thinking. Repeat process for each step Universal Experience 1. Teacher presents scenario and an example. 2. Students create their own example. Use whiteboards if needed. Students pair-share examples. 3. Teacher selects students to share their example. 4. Teacher makes connection to the LO. Relevance (REL) 1. Teacher & students read a reason. 2. Teacher elaborates with an example. Repeat process for each reason 3. Students pair-share the relevance. Concept Development (CD) Closure (CL) 1. Teacher pre-reads the Concept Definition. 2. Students read the definition. 3. Teacher points to and elaborates on examples and, if given, non-examples. If applicable, utilise physical demonstrations and cognitive strategies to help students remember the concept. 4. Teacher asks a CFU question. Students pair-share response. 5. Teacher selects students to share their response. Repeat process for each CFU question 1. Students complete each item without teacher guidance. 2. Teacher decides which students are ready for independent work. Independent Practice (IND) & Periodic Review (PR) 1. Teacher re-introduces LO and CD vocabulary. 2. Teacher provides guidance appropriate to their prior success.

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