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Grofar Work Experience

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1 Grofar Work Experience
Student Guide

2 What is Grofar? An online tool to help manage your work experience In your Grofar student portal, there is a section called ‘Work Experience’ here you can plan, record and feedback on your experiences

3 How to Access your Work Experience in Grofar
Sign in to Grofar – if you don’t have an account yet speak with your school Careers Leader Click on the menu bar at the top (3 horizontal lines) and select the Work Experience section Step 1 - a downloadable Data Agreement form which you can print and complete if your teacher has not already given this to you. Step 2 – this is the Placement Form where you can input the details of where you want to do your work experience. Open the “Placement Form” Add details of your chosen business – this will then be added to the Grofar business database Wait for your teacher to confirm your placement location Step 3 - Once your placement is confirmed you will be able to access your “Logbook” in the Work Experience section of Grofar Read through this and complete the sections that need to be completed before the placement and take note of the sections to be completed during and after the placement Note: Your tutors will be able to see your entries and progress completing your log book The following slides show this process with screenshots.

4 Work Experience Invite Email
You will also be able to access the placement form from the Grofar passport

5 Access Work Experience in your Student Portal
From Menu (Top left) Select “Work Experience”

6 Work Experience Landing Page
From here you can access the placement form and logbook

7 Placement form This form will arrive by and be accessible from the work experience area of the passport The dates will be prefilled based on information put in by your teacher. If you are finding your own placement you will need to fill in the proposed business details. If not this will be done for you and you will see the details here.

8 Information required for your Work Experience Location
NAME Full name of business ADDRESS Full address including postcode CONTACT Name, phone number and address of contact at placement

9 Your Logbook The Logbook “Wizard” will take you step by step through all the elements of the work experience process. Sections 1 to 5 should be read and completed before the placement. Section 6, the “Daily Diary” is completed during the placement – please take photos to help you remember your activities. Sections 7 to 10 are completed after the placement ends with section 7 your opportunity to feedback on the placement and your learning.

10 Logbook content When you have read or completed a section of the log book make sure at the end of the page you move the slider to YES so your teacher knows you have completed this. When a section is complete the circle around the number turns green and a higher percentage of your plan will be complete

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