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Folk Religions in General

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2 Folk Religions in General
Folk religions are a mixture of local religious ideas and practices often intermingled with animistic beliefs. They tend to be pragmatically oriented. The most important question from the folk religious perspective is not “It is true?” but “Does it work?” Often found at the social periphery rather than at the core. Folk religious beliefs and practices are inherently syncretistic—a blending of the formal with the local. Though changing with time (as local traditions change), the general orientations to life they offer tend to persist even through major religious change.

3 High and Popular Religions
Religion on the Ground: Localized religious expressions geared to meet the security needs of life. Minimal or local institutionalism. High Religion: Elite Center Explicated and Institutional Orthodoxy

4 Hiebert’s Analytical Framework
Powers as Personal Powers as Impersonal Religion: Powerful cosmic beings Religion: Powerful cosmic forces Upper Realm: Unseen and other worldly Folk Religion: Spiritual power using local spiritual (unseen) beings Magic: Spiritual power using local (unseen) forces Unseen and this worldly Middle Realm: Generally excluded in materialistic cultures Lower Realm: Seen and this worldly Social science: Personal power through interactive skills Physical science: Personal power through manipulation of forces

5 Formal and Folk Religions Compared
Formal or High Religions Answers cosmic questions: e.g., origin of universe Written text with fixed system of beliefs Specialist leadership roles Formal training Central institutions: church, mosque, temple. Formalized moral teaching Informal or Folk Religions Answers everyday issues: e.g., sickness, drought, war No written text; many local myths and rituals Specialist practitioner roles Apprenticeship training Few, if any, large institutions or trappings Amoral system; pragmatic emphasis (if it works )

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