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Topic 2: Better Eyes and Stronger Numbers

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Presentation on theme: "Topic 2: Better Eyes and Stronger Numbers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic 2: Better Eyes and Stronger Numbers

2 Vocabulary Telescope:Used to magnify an object a great distance
Optical: Uses the naked eye and lenses Ocular Lens: where you view the magnified object Resolving Power: this fineness of the detail the telescope can produce

3 Refracting Telescope: uses lenses for their objectives(better quality images)

4 Reflecting Telescope: Uses objective mirrors (larger images)

5 Ellipse Figure that looks like a squashed circle
Invented by Kepler that expanded on Copernicus and Galileo’s models

6 Universal Gravitation
Invented by Isacc newton as an expantion of Kelpers Elipses Provided an explanation for the planets eliptical Orbits Planets are pulled by gravity towards the sun

7 What is the difference between and Reflecting and a Refracting telescope?

8 Why Did Galileo conclude that Jupiter had four moons travelling around it?

9 What Observations led Galileo to conclude that the sun rotates?

10 Does the Earth rotate revolve or both?

11 Why were Tycho Brahe’s star charts so important in deciding the correct model of the solar system?

12 Describe how planets stay in stable orbits around the sun?

13 What is an optical Telescope?

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