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Where is Rome located?.

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Presentation on theme: "Where is Rome located?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where is Rome located?


3 Basic Rome Civilizations that influenced Rome: Latins Etruscans
Carthaginians Greeks

4 First type of government in Rome was MONARCHY.
Basic Rome First type of government in Rome was MONARCHY. What is a monarchy? What type of gov’t did Rome evolve into? What does this mean? What does the word mean?

5 The Roman Republic was made up of two groups:
Basic Rome The Roman Republic was made up of two groups: Patricians- Influence on gov’t? Plebeians-

6 Basic Rome Government Offices Two Consuls- Praetor- Senate- Dictator-
Why? Tribunes- How does this relate to our gov’t?

7 Basic Rome Roman Society Head of household Women Education
How does this compare to present day in U.S.? Religion

8 Basic Rome Military How was military handled?
What about conquered lands?

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