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Author: S Ihemba; B Swartz
Groundwater governance and the demand for agricultural use beyond sustainability in the Grootfontein-Tsumeb-Otavi Subterranean Water Control Area in Namibia. Author: S Ihemba; B Swartz
Table of content Introduction Location Background of the area
Methodology Results and discussion Conclusion Recommendation
Introduction Namibia as the most arid country in Sub-Saharan Africa faces various water-related challenges Groundwater can be considered to be the most important source of water supply for both agricultural and industrial use in the area of interest The high demand for this groundwater resource for agricultural purposes as well as for argumentation to other water stressed basins, has put the groundwater resource under tremendous pressure in the Grootfontein-Tsumeb-Otavi Water Control Area (GTO-WCA). With increasing abstraction for irrigation, industrial and the effect of climate change, groundwater depletion is an unavoidable consequence
Introduction conti…. Promoting sustainable use of groundwater resources could therefore limit over- exploitation of this scarce resource It is essential to incorporate sound technical information on aquifer characteristics, recharge and safe yields of water supply from aquifers to ensure sound decisions on water restrictions or allocations and thus good governing of the groundwater resources
Location The GTO-WCA, located in the north central part of Namibia
The area is predominantly farming area. The GTO-WCA covers an area of approximately 25,500 km2 including the Otavi Mountainland with its Kalahari foreland The area consists of two aquifers, the Tsumeb aquifer and Grootfontein-Otavi aquifer
Background of the area The GTO-WCA is dominated by karstic features
The GTO-WCA was proclaimed on 13 November 1970 in terms of section 28 of the Water Act No54 of 1956 (Heyns 2005) as a Water Control Area. The use of water for irrigation, mining (industrial) in the area is subject to a groundwater use permit by the Minister except if groundwater is used for domestic purpose.
Background cont….. A numerical groundwater model was developed for the area, but the model has not been updated for active use. All the abstraction permits awarded in the area is based on the principle of sustainable use which equated to m3/ha/a for all crop types Previously, the water control area was managed jointly by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry and the Karst Water Management Body. The introduction of Basin Management Committees through the Water Resources Management Act no.11 of 2013 has split the aquifer into three basins (Cuvelai-Etosha, Okavango-Omatako and the Ugab- Huab Basin Management Committee), this poses a major challenge to water management
Methodology As part of our research we studied the Groundwater sustainability use for the basin and the Water Control area A semi-structured questionnaire was designed to capture information from stakeholders. The survey targeted mainly the irrigation farmers and water managers which were selected via random sampling The data were analysed using IBM Statistic package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 22
Methodology cont…. (Irrigation permit holders only) Water Control Area
Total Sustainable abstraction allowed million m³/a 11.8 Total irrigation permit holders 129 Total irrigation permit holders surveyed 37 Percentage of irrigation permit holders surveyed 29 %
Results and discussions
Data indicate that current groundwater use is above the safe sustainable yield of the two aquifers. Groundwater abstraction for irrigation has risen significantly in almost all the sub- regions of the GTO-WCA over the last few years No reductions or suspensions of non- compliance were successfully implemented or enforced by DWAF
Total sustainable safe yield for irrigation against the total volume allocated for irrigation by DWAF in each sub-region.
Water level trend indicates a decrease in rest water levels in the water control area, Thus the areas are depicting signs of stress
Compliance with groundwater abstraction permits
The allocated quotas not sufficient to fulfil their production requirement The users are of the opinion that the area has ample water Due to high investment, farmers unwilling to compromise on their investment by reducing production “Changes in irrigation methods and the rotation of crops are some of the main reasons of overuse”
Conclusion Groundwater use quotas are currently higher than the sustainable safe yield of the aquifers, and the actual water used for irrigation generally surpasses these allocations. The existing legislation, regulations and guidelines are not well enforced by DWAF to control water abstractions and allocations High level of non-compliance to regulations by the users in the area, are because of challenges and general demand The groundwater model for managing water resources in the area is not up to date, climatic variation and demand projections are required in order to manage and govern the resource. More retributive measures need to be put in place for non- compliance making compliance less voluntary and more compulsory
Recommendations Update the groundwater numerical model for the GTO-WCA in order to gain a better updated understanding of water availability under current water use conditions. Monitoring and sensitizing the users that are not in complying with permit conditions and also do regulatory spot checks to verify data that is reported to the DWAF if it is correct. Re-establish the KWMB and establish Basin Management Committees to more effectively monitor water use and allow them to influence water allocations. Using the legislation and policies so that the management of Karst aquifers, including the allocation of abstraction quotas is clearly addressed. Addressing some human resources shortcomings through increase human resource capacity and capacitate existing staffs to effectively monitor and manage the water resources in the GTO-WCA. Improve information sharing to the farmers to change perception about groundwater availability and promote sustainable use.
Recommendations Resources managers should encourage farmers and all other water users to do resource monitoring such, water level measurements, water quality testing and meter readings from the abstraction boreholes as indicated in the permit condition. The resources managers should raise awareness on a regular basis to create a good relationship between them and the water user. This would enable the water user to gain trust into the resource managers. The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry must commission a study to determine the crop water requirement in the country, particularly in the GTO-WCA. This would help resource managers when allocating irrigation quotas to irrigation farmers, and the needs for crop rotation practices
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