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Tony Gaddis Kip Irvine STARTING OUT WITH Visual Basic 2008

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1 Tony Gaddis Kip Irvine STARTING OUT WITH Visual Basic 2008
FOURTH EDITION Tony Gaddis Haywood Community College Kip Irvine Florida International University

2 Files, Printing, and Structures
Chapter Files, Printing, and Structures 9 Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley

3 Introduction Saving data to sequential text files
Reading the data back into an application Using the OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog, ColorDialog, and FontDialog controls Using the PrintDocument control to print reports from your application Packaging units of data together into structures

4 Using Files 9.1 A File Is a Collection of Data Stored on a Computer Disk Information Can Be Saved to Files and Later Reused Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley

5 The Life Span of Data Thus far, all of our data has been stored in controls and variables existing in RAM This data disappears once the program stops running If data is stored in a file on a computer disk, it can be retrieved and used at a later time

6 Three Steps in Using a File
The file must be opened If it does not yet exist, it will be created Data is read from or written to the file The program closes the file

7 Reading and Writing to a File
Data must be retrieved from disk and put in memory for an application to work with it Data is transferred from disk to memory by: Reading it from an input file Placing it in variables or control properties Data is transferred from memory to disk by: Writing it to an output file Getting it from variables or control properties Data is frequently placed in the text property of a control

8 File Types/Access Methods
Text file type Character based text Contents can be viewed by Notepad Binary file type Pure binary form Contents cannot be viewed with a text editor Access Methods Sequential access – a continuous stream of data written and read as a whole from beginning to end Random access – access in any order with data written to or read from specific places in the file Like the difference between a casette tape and a CD

9 Creating Files with StreamWriter Objects
Add Imports System.IO before class declared Makes StreamWriter classes available in code A StreamWriter object is used to create a sequential text file in the following way: Declare an object variable of type StreamWriter Call CreateText method passing the filename Method returns a StreamWriter object Object is assigned to a StreamWriter variable Variable phoneFile now defines a stream of data that can be written to phonelist.txt Dim phoneFile As StreamWriter phoneFile = File.CreateText(“phonelist.txt”)

10 Appending Text with StreamWriter
A StreamWriter object is used to append data to a sequential text file in the following way: Declare an object variable of type StreamWriter Call AppendText method passing the filename Method returns a StreamWriter object Object is assigned to a StreamWriter variable Variable phoneFile now defines a stream of data that can be added to the end of phonelist.txt Dim phoneFile As StreamWriter phoneFile = File.AppendText(“phonelist.txt”)

11 File Paths Filename can include the file path
Can be a complete file path with drive letter “C:\WordProc\memo.txt" Refer to a file in the default drive root directory "\pricelist.txt" Or include no path information at all "mytext.txt“ If no path information specified, the bin folder of the current project is used

12 Writing Data to a File The WriteLine method of a StreamWriter object actually writes data to the file ObjectVar.WriteLine(Data) Streamwriter object identified by ObjectVar The method’s Data argument consists of constants or variables with data to be written WriteLine appends an invisible newline character to the end of the data Omit argument to write a blank line to a file ObjectVar.WriteLine()

13 Writing Data to a File Example
Dim studentFile As StreamWriter studentFile = File.CreateText("StudentData.txt") studentFile.WriteLine("Jim") studentFile.WriteLine(95) studentFile.WriteLine("Karen") studentFile.WriteLine(98) studentFile.WriteLine("Bob") studentFile.WriteLine(82) studentFile.Close() The Resulting File, StudentData.txt Jim 95 Karen 98 Bob 82

14 The StreamWriter Write Method
ObjectVar.Write(Data) The Write method writes an item of data without writing a newline character Usually need to provide some sort of delineation or delimiter between data items A blank space could be used Comma is a more common delimiter

15 Closing a StreamWriter Object
Should close files when finished with them Avoids losing data Data is initially written to a buffer Writes unsaved data from the buffer to the file The Close method of a StreamWriter object clears the buffer and closes the file ObjectVar.Close() Streamwriter object identified by ObjectVar Tutorial 9-1 provides an example of an application that writes data to a file

16 Appending to a File If opening an existing file with CreateText
Existing contents are removed New text overwrites the old text If opening an existing file with AppendText Existing contents are retained New text adds on to the end of the old text If adding a new friend to friendFile, use: friendFile = File.AppendText("MyFriends.txt")

17 Appending a File Example
‘Declare an object variable Dim friendFile as StreamWriter ‘Open the file friendFile = File.AppendText(“MyFriends.txt”) ‘Write the data friendFile.WriteLine(“Bill Johnson”) friendFile.WriteLine(30) friendFile.WriteLine(“36 Oak Street”) ‘Close the file friendFile.Close() friendFile “After” Jim Weaver 30 P.O. Box 124 Mary Duncan 24 47 Elm Street Karen Warren 28 24 Love Lane Bill Johnson 36 Oak Street Jim Weaver 30 P.O. Box 124 Mary Duncan 24 47 Elm Street Karen Warren 28 24 Love Lane friendFile “Before”

18 StreamReader Objects Use StreamReader objects to read from a file
Define and open similar to StreamWriter: Sample code: Variable phoneFile now defines a stream of data that can be read from phonelist.txt Must have Imports System.IO before class declaration as was done with StreamWriter Dim ObjectVar As StreamReader ObjectVar = File.OpenText(Filename) Dim phoneFile As StreamReader phoneFile = File.OpenText(“phonelist.txt")

19 Reading Data from a File
The ReadLine method of a StreamReader object actually reads data from the file dataVar = ObjectVar.ReadLine() Streamwriter object identified by ObjectVar The result of the method, the data read from the file, is assigned to string variable dataVar Sample code: Dim custFile As StreamReader custFile = File.OpenText("customer.txt") custName = custFile.ReadLine() custName holds the data read from the file StreamReader also has a Close method

20 Determining Whether a File Exists
The File.OpenText method issues a runtime error if the file does not exist Avoid this by using the File.Exists method Format is File.Exists(filename) Returns a boolean result that can be tested: Tutorial 9-2 shows how to read text file data If System.IO.File.Exists(filename) Then ' Open the file. inputFile = System.IO.File.OpenText(filename) Else MessageBox.Show(filename & " does not exist.") End If

21 Detecting the End of a File
The Peek method tests if you’ve reached end of file (no more characters to read) Format is objectvar.Peek If no more characters, the value -1 is returned Tutorial 9-3 demonstrates the Peek method Dim scoresFile As StreamReader Dim strInput As String scoresFile = File.OpenText("Scores.txt") Do Until scoresFile.Peek = -1 strInput = scoresFile.ReadLine() lstResults.Items.Add(input) Loop scoresFile.Close()

22 Read Method Read method returns the integer code of the next character in the file Chr function converts integer code to character This loop appends one character at a time to input until no more characters are in the file Dim textFile As StreamReader Dim strInput As String = String.Empty textFile = File.OpenText("names.txt") Do While textFile.Peek <> -1 strInput &= Chr(textFile.Read) Loop textFile.Close()

23 ReadToEnd Method ReadToEnd method returns the rest of the file from the current read position to end of file Functions differently from ReadLine method ReadToEnd method ignores line delimiters The statement input = textFile.ReadToEnd reads the file contents and stores it in strInput Dim textFile As StreamReader Dim strInput As String textFile = File.OpenText("names.txt") strInput = textFile.ReadToEnd textFile.Close()

24 Write Then Read an Entire Array
Dim intValues(9) Dim outputFile as StreamWriter outputFile = File.CreateText("values.txt") For intCount = 0 To (intValues.Length – 1) outputFile.WriteLine(intValues(intCount)) Next intCount outputFile.Close() Dim inputFile as StreamReader inputFile = File.OpenText("values.txt") intValues(intCount) = CInt(inputFile.ReadLine) inputFile.Close()

25 The OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog, FontDialog, and ColorDialog Controls
9.2 Visual Basic Provides Dialog Controls That Equip Your Applications With Standard Windows Dialog Boxes for Operations Such As Opening Files, Saving Files, and Selecting Fonts and Colors Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley

26 OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog
Windows has a standard method of allowing a user to choose a file to open or save These methods let users browse for a file The OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog controls provide this capability in VB To use the OpenFileDialog control Double click on this tool in the Toolbox Appears in component tray Use ofd as standard prefix when naming SaveFileDialog is used in a similar way

27 Displaying an Open Dialog Box
Display control with the ShowDialog method ControlName.ShowDialog() Method returns a value indicating which dialog box button the user selects, either DialogResult.OK, or DialogResult.Cancel For example: If ofdOpenfile.Showdialog() = DialogResult.OK Then MessageBox.Show(ofdOpenFile.FileName) Else MessageBox.Show(“You selected no file”) End If

28 Dialog Box Filter Property
FileDialog controls have a Filter property Limits files shown to specific file extensions Specify filter description shown to user first Then specify the filter itself Pipe symbol (|) used as a delimiter Following Filter property lets user choose: Text files (*.txt), displays all .txt files All files (*.*), displays all file extensions ofdOpenFile.Filter = "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|" & _ "All files (*.*)|*.*"

29 Other OpenFileDialog Properties
InitialDirectory property specifies folder to use Default if not specified is current folder To set dialog box initial directory to C:\Data: ofdOpenFile.InitialDirectory = “C:\Data” Title property specifies the text on the title bar Default title is Open if not specified ofdOpenFile.Title = “Select a File to Open” Filename property returns file selected from dialog box by user, in this case to selectedFile selectedFile = ofdOpenFile.Filename

30 Open Dialog Box Example
User may choose to display .txt files or all files Files from Data folder of hard drive are shown Dialog box title shows Select a File to Open Variable inputFile holds file selected by user ' Configure the Open dialog box and display it. With ofdOpenFile .Filter = "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|" & _ "All files (*.*)|*.*" .InitialDirectory = "C:\Data" .Title = "Select a File to Open" If .ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then inputFile = System.IO.File.OpenText(.Filename) End If End With

31 Open Dialog Box Example
InitialDirectory property Title property Filter property

32 SaveFileDialog Control
SaveFileDialog uses the same methods: ShowDialog() The same properties: Filter InitialDirectory Title Filename And the same result constants: DialogResult.OK DialogResult.Cancel Tutorial 9-4 uses these controls in a text editor

33 ColorDialog Control Displays a typical Windows color dialog box
Provides users the ability to choose a color

34 ColorDialog Control To use the ColorDialog control
Double click the tool in the Toolbox Appears in component tray Use cd as standard prefix when naming The following code sets the text in control lblMessage to the color selected by the user cdColor.ShowDialog() If cdColor.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then lblMessage.ForeColor = cdColor.Color End If

35 FontDialog Control Displays a Windows font selection dialog box
Allows users to choose font, font size, etc.

36 FontDialog Control To use the FontDialog control
Double click the tool in the Toolbox Appears in component tray Use fd as standard prefix when naming The following code sets the text in control lblMessage to the font selected by the user fdFont.ShowDialog() If fdFont.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then lblMessage.Font = fdFont.Font End If

37 The PrintDocument Control
9.3 The PrintDocument Control The PrintDocument Control Allows You to Print Data to the Printer Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley

38 PrintDocument Control
Allows you to send output to the printer To use the PrintDocument control Double click the tool in the Toolbox Appears in component tray Use pd as standard prefix when naming PrintDocument control has a Print method This method starts the printing process Format is: PrintDocumentControl.Print() This triggers a PrintPage event

39 PrintPage Event Handler
The code in the PrintPage event handler performs the actual printing Double click PrintDocument control in tray This creates the PrintPage event handler Insert your print code inside the event handler Basic format of event handler shown below: Private Sub pdPrint_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) _ Handles pdPrint.PrintPage ‘Your print code inserted here End Sub

40 DrawString Method The DrawString method is used inside the PrintPage event to: Specify data to send to the printer in string Set font, font size, and font style Determine horizontal position (HPos) of text Determine vertical position (VPos) of text Brushes.Black specifies output in black DrawString method is formatted as follows: e.Graphics.DrawString(String, _ New Font(FontName, Size, Style), _ Brushes.Black, HPos, VPos)

41 Specifying Fonts, Sizes, Styles
Fonts are specified with the string which names the font to be used "Times New Roman" “Arial" , etc. Sizes are specified with a number 10, 12, etc. Print effects are specified with provided constants FontStyle.Regular FontStyle.Bold FontStyle.Underline

42 Sample PrintPage Event Procedure
Private Sub pdPrint_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) _ Handles pdPrint.PrintPage Dim inputFile As StreamReader Dim intX As Integer = 10 ‘Horizontal Position Dim intY As Integer = 10 ‘Vertical Position inputFile = File.OpenText(strFilename) Do While inputFile.Peek <> -1 e.Graphics.DrawString(inputFile.ReadLine, _ New Font("Courier", 10, FontStyle.Regular), _ Brushes.Black, intX, intY) intY += ‘Increment Vert Pos Loop inputFile.Close() End Sub Tutorial 9-5 adds a print feature to Tutorial 9-4

43 Printing Column Based Reports
Business reports typically contain a: Report header printed at the top of the page Report body with the data, usually in columns Optional footer, often totalling certain columns Report header usually has column headings Monospaced font used for column reports Each character takes same amount of space This allows columns to be aligned String.Format used to align data along column boundaries

44 String.Format Example Results in the following output: 50Arg 1 6
String.Format("{0, 7}{1, -10}{2, 7}", 50, "Arg1", 6) Argument 0 Specifies the argument number Argument 1 Argument 2 Specifies field width for arg negative - left justified positive - right justified Results in the following output: 50Arg 7 spaces 10 spaces Left Justified 7 spaces

45 9.4 Structures Visual Basic Allows You to Create Your Own Data Types, in Which You May Group Multiple Data Fields Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley

46 Structures vs. Arrays Arrays: Multiple fields in one array
All of the same data type Distinguished by a numerical index Structures Multiple fields in one structure Can be of differing data types Distinguished by a field name

47 Syntax for Declaring a Structure
[AccessSpecifier] Structure StructureName FieldDeclarations End Structure StructureName is a name that identifies the structure itself FieldDeclarations are the declarations of the individual fields within the structure

48 Structure Declaration Example
Following declares a structure with six fields intended to record employee payroll data Structure name is EmpPayData Structure EmpPayData Dim intEmpNumber As Integer Dim strFirstName As String Dim strLastName As String Dim sngHours As Single Dim decPayRate As Decimal Dim decGrossPay As Decimal End Structure

49 Creating and Initializing a Structure
Using the EmpPayData structure just defined Define variable deptHead of type EmpPayData deptHead contains the six fields in the structure Access each field using varName.fieldName Dim deptHead As EmpPayData deptHead.strEmpNumber = 1101 deptHead.strFirstName = "Joanne" deptHead.strLastName = "Smith" deptHead.sngHours = 40 deptHead.decPayRate = 25 deptHead.decGrossPay = CDec(deptHead.sngHours) * _ deptHead.decPayRate

50 Passing Structure Variables to Procedures and Functions
Structures can be passed to procedures and functions like any other variable The data type to use in the specification is the name of the structure Sub CalcPay(ByRef employee as EmpPaydata) ‘ This procedure accepts an EmpPayData variable ‘ as its argument. The employee’s gross pay ‘ is calculated and stored in the grossPay ‘ field. With employee .decGrossPay = .sngHours * .decPayRate End With End Sub

51 Structures Containing Arrays
Structures can contain arrays Must ReDim after declaring structure variable Structure StudentRecord Dim strName As String Dim sngTestScores() As Single End Structure Dim student As StudentRecord ReDim student.sngTestScores(4) student.strName = "Mary McBride" student.sngTestScores(0) = 89 Student.sngTestScores(1) = 92 Student.sngTestScores(2) = 84 Student.sngTestScores(3) = 96 Student.sngTestScores(4) = 91

52 Arrays Containing Structures
Can declare an array of structures Example below declares employees as an array of type EmpPayData with 10 elements Can refer to each field using the format arrayName(index).fieldName Tutorial 9-6 examines an application with a structure Dim employees(9) As EmpPayData ' Refer to the empNumber of the first employee employees(0).empNumber = 1101

53 Modifying the Demetris Leadership Center Application
9.5 Modifying the Demetris Leadership Center Application Modify this application to include the ability to save and retrieve data, use an array of structure variables instead of parallel arrays, print the sales report Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley

54 Changes to Demetris Application
Replace parallel arrays with an array of structure variables Add option to print sales report Add options to save & retrieve units sold Structure ProductData Dim strName As String ' Item name Dim strDesc As String ' Descr Dim intProdNum As Integer ' Item nbr Dim decPrice As Decimal ' Unit price Dim intUnitsSold As Integer ' Units sold End Structure Const intMAX_SUB As Integer = 8 ' Array of ProductData Dim products(intMAX_SUB) As ProductData

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