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What you’re about to view

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1 What you’re about to view
KETOPIA What you’re about to view could change your life

2 like it did for Lindy Clowe
KETOPIA like it did for Lindy Clowe

3 Does this describe you? KETOPIA
You feel sluggish and hungry and weighed down. You’ve tried all the low-fat diets we’re all told to follow, but you weigh more, not less than before. You feel like your body is holding on to toxins and garbage, not just fat, making you sick and tired.

4 Seeking Freedom? KETOPIA
If that all sounds familiar, what are you going to do about it? What if you could free your body from the extraWeight and garbage? What would you do to have increased energy, reduced appetite, improved mental function and a generally healthier life? These people have done it, so can you!

5 AUTOPHAGY New Body, New You. Its Science KETOPIA
Autophagy is a process, researched by Yoshinori Ohsumi, where your cells go through a “renovation”. They clear out the garbage and toxins Slowing your body down. Autophagy will accelerate with intermittent fasting, which is a huge part of a Ketogenic lifestyle. Yoshinori Ohsumi

6 What is a KETOGENIC Lifestyle?
KETOPIA What is a KETOGENIC Lifestyle?

7 View your world differently
KETOPIA View your world differently A ketogenic lifestyle involves a specific diet, moderate exercise, and intermittent fasting with the purpose of transitioning your body into nutritional ketosis. Basically, you want to use fat for energy instead of carbohydrates.

8 What do I eat to get into Ketosis? KETOPIA
Although it seems backwards, the way to make your body burn fat, is to feed it fat. Keeping your body in ketosis requires a diet aiming for 70% fat, 20% protein, and 10% carbs. For examples of keto-friendly foods, click here.

9 How do I know I’m in Ketosis? KETOPIA
Measuring the presence of ketones in the body with a chemical test is the most effective way to know whether you are in ketosis. (Ketones are produced by the liver as it breaks down fat. ) There are three types of ketone tests you can purchase and perform at home—Urine tests, blood tests and breathalyzer tests.

10 So what does Ketosis have to do with AUTOPHAGY? KETOPIA
Based on scienfitic research, after your body has been in a state of ketosis for close to 20 days, this cellular renovation (autophagy) can begin or even accelerate. Yoshinori Ohsumi

11 KETOPIA Keto isn’t easy

12 What’s the catch? KETOPIA
If ketosis and autophagy are so good for the body, why doesn’t everyone live a ketogenic lifestyle? Well, it isn’t exactly a comfortable or easy transition.

13 Don’t think of them as setbacks…
KETOPIA Don’t think of them as setbacks… As your body shifts from carb-dependence to producing its own ketones, you may experience dizziness, fatigue, nasal congestion, brain fog, achiness and carb cravings. It’s called the “keto flu”. Symptoms usually happen the first four days of transitioning into a ketogenic diet. But there is a way to avoid them…


15 KETOPIA The Bridge KetonX features a specific blend of natural ingredients that allow the body to begin converting to a state of nutritional ketosis within hours, not days! By using KetonX as a bridge the first four days of your new lifestyle, you can transition into ketosis smoothly, avoiding the effects of the keto flu. KetonX is also great to have on a shelf for those times when you might slip out of ketosis— simply use another bridge to get back on board.

16 We call it Ketophagy KETOPIA
After you’ve used the bridge to avoid the keto-flu, you can continue supporting your journey toward autophagy by taking KetonX, Prodigy-5 and the other keto-friendly ForeverGreen products regularly for at least 20 days. Experience Ketophagy as a true Ketopian and live the healthy life you deserve.

17 Join the Revolution! KETOPIA
Ketopians all over the world are experiencing new health from ketosis and ketophagy by using the 20 Day KetonX Revolution! “I never thought I would feel this much energy again! Since I started using KetonX, my friends say I seem 10 years younger!” — Lindy Clowe

18 20 Days to a new you KETOPIA
Before you embark on your journey, make sure you’re familiar with the limitations of a Ketogenic lifestyle. Consider downloading an app to track your progress or purchase a book for reference. If you have questions, refer to the Ketopia FAQ sheet or talk to your doctor. Once you’re ready to change your life, follow these simple steps for success:

19 KETOPIA Step 1: Purchase your 20 Day KetonX Revolution!

20 Step 2: KETOPIA Follow ForeverGreen.Global on Facebook
and join the “ForeverGreen Ketopians” group for support, tips and more.

21 KETOPIA Step 3: Fill out the Ketopia Before and After Checklist

22 KETOPIA Step 4: Commit to following a ketogenic diet—aim for 70% fat, 20% protein and 10% carbs. Track your macros for maximum success.

23 KETOPIA Step 5: Create a keto shopping list and meal plan with the Ketopia recipe guide or find your won resources online, at your doctors office, or your local health food store.

24 Step 6: KETOPIA Start living your new lifestyle
Days 1-4 suggested routine: Morning: Sip KetonX over minutes in place of breakfast Mid morning: Eat a snack. Drink water (consider adding one of ForeverGreen’s keto-friendly supplements). Lunch: Eat a high fat, low carb meal Mid-afternoon: Eat a snack. Drink water Evening: Eat your last meal before 8pm. Review your day and plan for tomorrow.

25 KETOPIA Step 6: Days 5-20 You’re fully in nutritional ketosis. Continue eating a ketogenic diet, drinking plenty of water and exercising. Take KetonX for extra energy at any point or if you slip up on your diet. To accelerate autophagy, add intermittent fasting to your routine and drink Prodigy-5 to replenish vitamins and minerals.

26 Days 20+ Days 20+ Experience the benefit of
revolutionizing your body and order another KetonX Revolution to support your new life.

27 Share your success and transformation using
KETOPIA Step 7: Share your success and transformation using #KetopianLife

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