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2 Learning Objectives Identify the types of conflict.
List sources of conflict. Define conflict analysis. Give examples of potential solutions to a conflict. Compare and contrast styles of conflict management. Explain how to deal with special conflict cases.

3 Types of Conflict Functional (constructive)
Dysfunctional (destructive)

4 Conflict within an individual
Inner Conflict Conflict within an individual

5 Person-vs-Person Conflict
Two people at odds

6 Already-formed groups having conflicts with each other
Intergroup Conflict Already-formed groups having conflicts with each other

7 Conflict arising among group members
Intragroup Conflict Conflict arising among group members

8 Person vs. Group Conflict
When a member of a group breaks the rules or norms

9 Sources of Conflict Figure 13.1: Sources of Conflict

10 Conflict Analysis Questions that help manage a conflict
Who is involved? What is at stake? How important is time? What are the tie-ins with other issues?

11 Potential Solutions Win-lose Lose-lose Win-win
One side winning at the expense of the other Everyone gives up something (compromise) Both sides feel they have come out on top

12 Styles of Conflict Management
Five common approaches: Competitor – Tries a win-lose approach, especially if he/she is personally involved. Avoider – Keeps away from conflicts, and values neutrality highly. Compromiser – Uses his/her skills to blend differences and form a workable alternative. Accommodator – Wants to avoid conflict by engaging in positive thinking. Collaborator – Brings both sides together for discussion and tries to bring about a win-win solution.

13 Dealing with Special Conflict Cases
Low conformers Envious people Whiners and Complainers Passive, Unresponsive People

14 Strategies for Success
Negotiate win-win solutions: Get emotions under control. Agree on ground rules. Clarify all positions. Explore multiple needs and issues. Develop alternatives. Choose solutions that are win-win.

15 Strategies for Success
Make collaboration work: Identify the problem. Generate a solution. Identify an action plan. Put the action plan to work.

16 Strategies for Success
Stop conflicts before they start: Turn the people around you into winners. Work together on common goals. Communicate, communicate, communicate.

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