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From TB control to integrated respiratory disease control

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1 From TB control to integrated respiratory disease control
Royaume du Maroc Ministère de la Santé From TB control to integrated respiratory disease control Dr Jaouad Mahjour Director of Epidemiology and Disease control Ministry of Health, Morocco

2 INTRODUCTION Population : about 29 million
Morocco : Population : about 29 million Demographic transition : life expectancy = 69 years Epidemiological transition : More chronic conditions : asthma, diabetes, heart dis. And still transmissible diseases : IST, hepatitis, TB Ongoing health sector reform

3 public health in Morocco
TB is a major problem of public health in Morocco 28,000 to 29,000 new TB cases / year In 2001: Incidence = 97 N. cases / 100,000 pop. Incidence = 44 Smear positive cases / 100,000 pop.

4 DOTS strategy adopted as of 1991
Political commitment  NTP budget  3.5 Development of microscopy network Short course chemotherapy + DOT Regular supply (no anti-TB drug shortage) Recording/reporting system in line with DOTS

5 DOTS outcomes in Morocco
Treatment success rate = 90% since DOTS implementation Detection rate about 90%


7 DOTS impact on TB morbidity
Slow decrease of pulmonary TB incidence Decrease of smear-positive case incidence on yearly basis since 1995 : 2 to 3% decrease per year


9 Involvement of private health sector in TB control in Morocco
30 to 40% of notified TB cases are sent by private doctors to public sector Survey data from 4 provinces showed that general practitioners do not treat TB cases 2 surveys in Casablanca showed that chest physicians may treat few TB cases : their drug prescriptions in line with NTP and their treatment success rate > 75%

10 Involvement of prison health services in TB control
Fully integrated to NTP 12 main prisons equipped by microscopy lab Drug, reagent and stationary supplied by NTP Supervision by provincial TB co-ordinators

11 Involvement of army health
services in TB control Represented in the National TB Control Board Training ensured by NTP Anti-TB drugs supplied by NTP

12 Morocco is a low HIV prevalence country
AIDS/HIV and TB in Morocco Morocco is a low HIV prevalence country Cumulative number of AIDS cases since 1986 : 1016 1 to 2 per 10,000 blood donors are HIV+ Among 857 TB patients, 1 was HIV+ (0,12%) Sentinel surveillance system data show that less than 1% of TB patients are HIV+

13 MDR and chronic TB cases in Morocco
DRS survey in Casablanca in 1998 : among 510 new TB cases, 8.6% primary drug resistance and 2.2% primary MDR Pool of about 200 chronic TB cases nationwide, 40 to 45 % are in Casablanca Specific management strategy implemented nationwide for chronic TB cases (DOTS-PLUS)

14 Why combining TB and respiratory disease
case management in Morocco ? (1) To cope with health sector reform and decentralization : need of standardized health interventions and standardized formulations (IMCI, IST, PAL) Need of sound cost-effective health procedures Need of a better rationalization of health services

15 Why combining TB and respiratory disease
case management in Morocco ? (2) Logical step to sustain TB control process NTP activities are fully managed by chest physicians : TB control co-ordinator at province/prefecture level TB clinic (CDST) is a referral level not only for TB but also the other respiratory conditions Demand for health care services regarding respiratory diseases other than TB (asthma)

16 Survey data from PHC facilities :
Why combining TB and respiratory disease case management in Morocco ? (3) Survey data from PHC facilities : 30 % of patients > 5 years are patients with respiratory symptoms 1 to 2% of are pulmonary TB patients About 70% of patients receive antibiotic prescription Reduction of antibiotic prescription by 30% with PAL Cost reduction on drug prescription by 18% with PAL

17 Why combining TB and respiratory disease
case management in Morocco ? (4) Preliminary survey data from referral level (TB clinic) : About 40% of work activities related to TB patients About 60% of patients are not TB/TB suspect cases 25% of patients are CRD cases 17% of patients are asthma cases

18 Conclusion Standardization of respiratory condition management by health level will result into: Improving TB detection and TB diagnosis quality Making TB problem remain visible among health priorities in Morocco Contributing to strengthen PHC services in the ongoing context of the health sector reform Better management of health resources Promotion of respiratory health in public health service settings

19 Thank you

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