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Automated Molecular Replacement

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1 Automated Molecular Replacement
Part 1: Automating Amore Make Amore as easy to use as Molrep, Phaser. Part 2: Construction of “best” model for Phaser Enable maximum number of structures to be solved using MR.

2 Amore Solution Process
1. Estimate number of molecules in Asymmetric unit (MATTHEWS). 2. Solve for first molecule (AUTO-AMORE) a) Rotation function. Euler angles { (α,β,γ) } b) Translation function. Euler angles + fractional translations { (x,y,z)} c) Fitting = Rigid Body Refinement 3. Solve for additional molecules. Extra translations. (iterative) 4. Final round of fitting 5. Apply rotations and translations to atom coordinates. (PDBSET ) 6. Merge into one pdb file. 7. Check for clashing (DISTANG)

3 Solution for n molecules
Take top 5 (distinct) translation solutions from n – 1 molecule solution Take top 5 (distinct) rotation solutions Consider all possible combinations Search for translation solutions for 1 more molecule Score by summing correlation coefficients over all n molecules Sort solutions in order of decreasing score

4 Test Results Target Model % seq no. mols Solved 1n5b 1k6z 97 4 Yes
1nio 1ggp_A 1 1cv7 1gfl 96 1k6d 1o91 2 1mzr 1a80 51 1h5q 1v18a 34 12 No

5 Future developments Incorporation in Ronan’s pipeline
Model Building using Arp/Warp

6 PART 2 Construction of “best model” for phaser
Apply sequence alignment algorithm PSIBLAST : sequence – profile alignment FFAS : profile – profile alignment Modify template (Chainsaw) If Target R = Template R retain If not … R. Schwarzenbacher et al, Acta Cryst D , (2004)

7 Chainsaw Template Target Action >= Serine Prune to CG Alanine
Prune to CB Glycine Prune to CA >= Alanine Add CB

8 Future work Use more sophisticated sequence alignment algorithms
Apply to ensembles

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