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PubMed Search Options (Basic Course: Module 6)

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1 PubMed Search Options (Basic Course: Module 6)
13 December 2018

2 Table of Contents History Advanced Search
Accessing full text articles from HINARI/PubMed Failure to access the full text articles AFTER 04 JULY - done AFTER 04 JULY - done 13 December 2018

3 Before logging into the PubMed, websites, we will Login to the HINARI site using the URL 13 December 2018

4 Note that users also can access the R4L login page from the R4L website , we will Login to the HINARI site using the URL Users also can access the login page from the R4L website ( and clicking on Login. The following slide will appear and give you access to all five programmes. 13 December 2018

5 Enter your HINARI USER NAME and PASSWORD in the appropriate boxes, change the language of the portal (if necessary), then click on the Login button. Note: To have access to the full text articles, you must properly sign in. 13 December 2018

6 Click on the Hinari logo to open the program.
All the programs your institution is registered for are listed. Login to any of the other programs by returning to this page (use the R4L Portal – Applications tab at the top of the web browser). To open another program, click on the specific logo. Your Hinari username and password will grant access to the other programs (and ditto for your institution’s AGORA, ARDI GOALI or OARE logins). 13 December 2018

7 Note: The PubMed training modules use screen captures from a computer.
Once you are logged in to the HINARI Content page, access PubMed by clicking on Databases for discovery list. In the HINARI Portal you can access PubMed from the Content page. Click on Search inside HINARI full-text using PubMed. Note: The PubMed training modules use screen captures from a computer. 13 December 2018

8 Open PubMed which is at the top of the Browse databases list.
13 December 2018

9 History To access the History option, click on the Advanced Search option. 13 December 2018

10 History is a feature of the Advanced Search Builder option
History is a feature of the Advanced Search Builder option. Access to Advanced Search is from the initial PubMed page or the Search Results page. Note that Search History will be lost after 8 hours and the maximum number of searches is 100. History is a very useful tool to link together the terms from two or several searches into a new search. By using the History option of the Advanced Search Builder, you do not have to type the search terms again. 13 December 2018

11 Completed is a search for the treatment with over 9 million articles
Completed is a search for the treatment with over 9 million articles. This can be viewed as a search set by clicking on the Advanced (History) page. 13 December 2018

12 On the Advanced Search Builder (History) page, the first search is given a set number identified by the # symbol - in this example it is #1. On the right side of the page, the number of articles is shown under the Items found column. In this case, a total of over 9 million citations. We will return to PubMed Home by clicking on the hypertext link. Note that the numbers for your searches may vary depending if you have previously searched that day in PubMed. Remember that, if you have not cleared previous History on the Advanced Search Builder page, your numbers will not begin with #1. 13 December 2018

13 Completed is the search for malaria - as a second search term - with citations. As in the previous result, the malaria search also can be viewed by returning to the Advanced (History) page. 13 December 2018

14 Click on Add for #1 AND #2 and click on Search - to create the combined result for the two search terms – treatment AND malaria. These two search terms are added to the Builder. Note how this is a very efficient way to combine the terms of two searches and obtain more precise search results. 13 December 2018

15 The search has narrowed the results down further to 40032 articles
The search has narrowed the results down further to articles. Click on the Advanced link to return to the Advanced Search (History) page. 13 December 2018

16 Combine the latest search (#3) with the geographic term Africa - by adding both terms in the Builder boxes and clicking on Search. Another option is to click on Add for #3 and then add Africa to the next line of the Builder. 13 December 2018

17 Note: to clear these searches, click on Clear History button.
Search #4 now is treatment AND malaria AND Africa with a result of citations. Next, open the searches’ Summary display setting by clicking on the Items Found #. Note: to clear these searches, click on Clear History button. To clear the history click on Clear History 13 December 2018

18 This is the Summary display for the combined #4 search.
Proceed to the Advanced Search slides. This tool is especially valuable if you want to link a search previously done (perhaps 30 or 60 minutes ago) with a new term. It is easy to forget the actual words in the previous search. 13 December 2018

19 Advanced Search To use Advanced Search Builder option, access to Advanced from the initial PubMed page or the Search Results page. 13 December 2018

20 In the Advanced Search Builder, open the All Fields drop down menu
In the Advanced Search Builder, open the All Fields drop down menu. You can add terms in all or specific fields using the AND, OR, NOT Boolean operators. Basically, this option allows you to ‘sequentially’ use many of the searching features of PubMed. Note the ‘All Fields’ term in the Search Builder box. If you click on this, you are give a series of options for the term you plan to enter – for example, MeSH term, author, title, text option, etc. 13 December 2018

21 Note how this search uses the ‘text work’ option for each line of the Search Builder.
Add the Text Words tuberculosis and drug resistance to the Builder search boxes. Use the AND Boolean operator. When entered, these search terms are displayed in the box above the Builder. 13 December 2018

22 Note that you can display or hide the Index list
Note that you can display or hide the Index list. We have displayed the initial list of index terms for tuberculosis. You can enter any of these terms into the search box. Enter tuberculosis in the 1st Search Builder box and drug resistance in the second box. 13 December 2018

23 Click on All Fields in a Builder box
Click on All Fields in a Builder box. In the drop down menu, scroll down and open the Mesh Terms option. 13 December 2018

24 In the MeSH Terms option in the Builder drop down menu, insert the term developing countries into the search box. Run the Search. In this line of the Search Builder, we have clicked on the MeSH Terms option. 13 December 2018

25 Once the Search is run, the specific search words and type of terms (e
Once the Search is run, the specific search words and type of terms (e.g. Text Word, MeSH) are displayed in the Search box. The results of the tuberculosis AND drug resistance AND developing countries search are 173 citations. To return to Advanced Search, click on the hypertext link below the PubMed Search box. Note, in the Filter your results list, that there are 42 Free Full Text and 84 HINARI citations. 13 December 2018

26 Now displayed is the Advanced Search Builder page
Now displayed is the Advanced Search Builder page. Note that the Search History has been activated and lists the recently completed search as #1. You can return to the Summary display of the search results by clicking on the Items Found #. 13 December 2018

27 The All Fields drop down menu has numerous useful filters
The All Fields drop down menu has numerous useful filters. In the search builder, use the Text/abstract and MeSH Terms options. Run the Search. 13 December 2018

28 On the Advanced Search Builder page, note the Search History #2
On the Advanced Search Builder page, note the Search History #2. With these filters, the search results have decreased from 173 to 81. Click on the 81 to display the search results. 13 December 2018

29 For further information and training on Advanced Search, go to the PubMed Search Clinic: Building a PubMed Search From this page, you can view a 30 minute clinic recording. It also contains several frequently asked Questions and Answers. Note that this Clinic is for general PubMed not HINARI/PubMed. 13 December 2018

30 This is the end of the HINARI Basic Course Module 6
There is a workbook to accompany this part of the module. It will take you through a live session covering the topics included in this module. Updated 13 December 2018

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