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“The Tell-Tale Heart” Essay

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1 “The Tell-Tale Heart” Essay

2 Directions Read the essay choices provided on the next slide.
Select just one option. Write a well-developed essay that answers the question fully and completely. Provide evidence from the text to support your answers (show, don’t tell). You may use your literature book and notes. Your essay must be 275 – 325 words, 4 to 5 paragraphs (with introduction and conclusion), and have indented paragraphs. Due at the end of class.

3 Essay Options – Select One Topic Periods 1, 2, 3, and 5
Determine whether the narrator of “The Tell-Tale Heart” is reliable or unreliable. When does the narrator tell the truth and when does he not? Cite two pieces of textual evidence to support your answer. Reread the part of the story where the narrator opens the old man's bedroom door, causing the older man to sit up in his bed and cry out, “Who's there?” Would this section of the story be more suspenseful, equally suspenseful, or less suspenseful if it were narrated by the old man? Explain your answer with clear reasoning.

4 Summary Instructions (4th Period)
Write a summary of “The Tell-Tale Heart.” Paragraph 1: Describe the theme and the conflict. Paragraph 2: Describe two points of rising action. Paragraph 3: Describe the turning point. Explain why it’s the turning point. Paragraph 4: Describe two points of falling action. Paragraph 5: Describe the resolution. Be sure to use transition words and phrases. (First, next, after that, when he had done ____, he did ______)

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