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Lab 2 Sampling and Quantization

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1 Lab 2 Sampling and Quantization

2 Communication System

3 Sampling Sampling is converting the message signal to samples
Analog signal is sampled every TS seconds. Ts is referred to as the sampling interval. fs = 1/Ts is called the sampling rate or sampling frequency.

4 fS>2W m(t) t (sec) TS=1/fS M(f) LPF -fS-W -fS -fS+W -W W fS-W fS fS+W f (Hz) fcutoff By using a LPF at the receiver, it is possible to reconstruct the original signal from received samples

5 fS=2W (Nyquist Rate) m(t) t (sec) TS=1/fS M(f) LPF -3W -fS=-2W -W W fS=2W 3W f (Hz) fcutoff By using a LPF with fcutoff=W at the receiver, it is possible to reconstruct the original signal from received samples

6 fS<2W m(t) t (sec) TS=1/fS M(f) -fS-W -fS -W -fS+W fS-W W fS fS+W f (Hz) It is no longer possible to reconstruct the original signal from received samples

7 Impulse Sampling with Increasing Sampling Frequency

8 Task 1 Generating the Analog Signal
Plot the following analog signal x (t ) = sin( 0 .2π t ) + sin( 0 .4 π t )

9 Task 2 Sampling Sample the signal x(t) by taking 1 sample every 10 samples

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