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IEEE IETF Liaison Report

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1 IEEE 802.11-IETF Liaison Report
January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2011 IEEE IETF Liaison Report Date: Authors: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

2 January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2011 Abstract This presentation contains the IEEE – IETF liaison report for July 2011. Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

3 Protocol to Access White Space database (paws) WG
January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2011 Protocol to Access White Space database (paws) WG paws Working Group was formed June 2011 Charter and problem statement documents: Charter, see Problem Statement, see Use Case Scenarios and Requirements, see Goals and Milestones Oct Submit 'Use Cases and Requirements for Accessing a Radio White Space Database' to the IESG for publication as Informational April Submit 'Accessing a Radio White Space Database' to the IESG for publication as Proposed Standard Also see Gabor’s 11af submission, Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

4 Areas of interest - Tgai
January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2011 Areas of interest - Tgai Tgai – Fast Initial Authentication, may require interaction with IETF See link sent to Tgai reflector by Hitoshi Morioka Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

5 Handover Keying (HOKEY)
January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2011 Handover Keying (HOKEY) Hokey Charter available at Extensions to current EAP key framework to facilitate inter-authenticator handover and roaming. Published RFCs: Handover Key Management and Re-authentication Problem Statement, see Specification for the Derivation of Root Keys from an Extended Master Session Key (EMSK), see EAP Extensions for EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP), see Distribution of EAP based keys for handover and re-authentication , see [published March 2010] Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Early Authentication Problem Statement, see [published April 2010] Updates [July 2011] EAP extensions for EAP Re-authentication protocol, see Architecture design, see EAP Re-authentication Protocol Extensions for Authenticated Anticipatory Keying (ERP/AAK) ERP Local Domain Name DHCPv6 Option, see Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

6 Update: EAP Method Update (EMU)
January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2011 Update: EAP Method Update (EMU) Working Group website: Updates [July 2011]: Channel Binding Support for EAP Methods, Requirements for a Tunnel based EAP method, see Decision to base Standard Tunnel based EAP method on Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

7 6LOWPAN Working Group July 2011
January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2011 6LOWPAN Working Group Working Group website: Focus: IPv6 over Low Power PAN: Adaption of IPv6 protocol to operate on constrained nodes and link layers RFC 4944: adaption of IPv6 to link layer Improved header compression scheme, see Neighbor discovery protocol modifications Reference: Smart Grid Tutorial Presentations, slides 58-60 Updates [July 2011] Design and Application Spaces (Use Cases), see Problem Statement and Requirements for 6LOWPAN, see Transmission of IPv6 packets over Bluetooth Low Energy, see Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

8 January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2011 ROLL Working Group Working Group website: Focus: Routing over Low Power and Lossy Networks Routing Objectives, see Routing protocol for efficient operation in low-power, lossy networks, see Reference: Smart Grid Tutorial Presentations, slides 58-60 Updates [July 2011] A Security Framework for Routing over Low Power and Lossy Networks, see RFC 6206, The Trickle Algorithm, allows nodes in a lossy shared medium (e.g., low-power and lossy networks) to exchange information in a highly robust, energy efficient, simple, and scalable manner. Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

9 January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2011 CORE Working Group CORE (Constrained RESTful Environments) Working Group website: Focus: framework for resource-oriented applications intended to run on constrained IP networks Constrained Application Protocol, see Updates [July 2011] Security Bootstrapping of Resource-Constrained Devices, see Blockwise transfers in CoAP, see Core link format, see Observing Resources in CoAP, see Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

10 Emergency Context Resolution with Internet Technologies (ECRIT)
January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2011 Emergency Context Resolution with Internet Technologies (ECRIT) Working Group website: Emergency Services Framework for Emergency Calling using Internet Multimedia, see Unauthenticated access being discussed, see Describing boundaries for Civic Addresses, see Updates [July 2011] Extensions to the Emergency Services Architecture for dealing with Unauthenticated and Unauthorized Devices, see Best Current Practice for Communications Services in support of Emergency Calling, see Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

11 IETF Geographic Location and Privacy (Geopriv) WG
January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2011 IETF Geographic Location and Privacy (Geopriv) WG See Specific reference to WLANs: Carrying Location Objects in RADIUS, see Documents referenced in (TGv) Geopriv Requirements, see Civic Address definitions, see July 2009 Liaison to IETF GEOPRIV See Updates [July 2011] Location-related measurements in Location Configuration Protocols, see DHCP Options for LCI, see Relative Location, see Location Information Server (LIS) Discovery using IP address and Reverse DNS, see Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

12 Mobility EXTensions for IPv6(mext) WG
January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2011 Mobility EXTensions for IPv6(mext) WG See The MEXT Working Group continues the work of the former MIP6, NEMO, and MONAMI6 Working Groups. The primary goal of MEXT will be to enhance base IPv6 mobility by continuing work on developments that are required for wide-scale deployments and specific deployment scenarios. Additionally, the working group will ensure that any issues identified by implementation and interoperability experience are addressed, and that the base specifications are maintained. The group will also produce informational documentation, such as design rationale documents or description of specific issues within the protocol. The MEXT WG will also explore experimental alternative security mechanisms. The security mechanism specified in the existing standard track RFCs (RFC3775bis, RFC4877) remains the mandatory to implement mechanism that guarantees interoperability between different implementations. The MEXT WG is chartered to deliver one or more experimental alternative mechanisms. All the alternative solutions will be published as experimental RFCs. Updates [July 2011] TLS-based Mobile IPv6 Security Framework for Mobile Node to Home Agent Communication, see Home Agent Reliability Protocol, see Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

13 IETF Meetings Meetings:
January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2011 IETF Meetings Meetings: July 24-29, Quebec City November 13-18, Taipei March 25-30, Paris July 29 – August 3, Vancouver November 4-9, Atlanta March 10-15, 2013 – Orlando Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

14 References RFC 4017 - IEEE 802.11 Requirements on EAP Methods
January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2011 References RFC IEEE Requirements on EAP Methods Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

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