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Handouts you should have today:
Everyone: Today’s Agenda Assessment Overview sheet packet Verification of Training sheet –hand-in today Teachers and Paras administering or proctoring assessments. Above Handouts Plus the following: Assessment Fact Sheet Packet Examiner’s Manual or KELPA2 manual KITE Educators Guide
Let’s Be Incredible! Kansas Assessment Program 2018-2019 Stacey Hedges
District Test Coordinator
What makes us Incredible?
We are Incredible! We are Mr. Incredible: super strong and push through the challenges and persevere. We are Elastigirl: stretch to accommodate everyone and everything to make things run smoothly. Sometimes we are Violet: we want to be invisible just so we can take a minute to breathe but we always rise to fight another day. Sometimes we are Dash: we have to be super fast at fixing problems and putting out fires. We are Jack-Jack: we have multiple talents that allow us to wear many different hats and get the job done.
Be Incredible through Navigation
Content Area Listserv: go to content area page for contact KSDE: - assessments Kansas Assessment Program: Dynamic Learning Maps: KAP Educator Portal:
Be Incredible through Training
Testing Details Test Security & Ethics Monitor Visit Information
Balanced Assessment System
Formative Tools Based on learning maps Provide additional information on identified weakness on exact misconception or lack of knowledge Includes instructional resources to build student learning Mini -Tests Interim Assessment Optional Teacher choice Diagnostic information Tracks growth Predicts summative Items look like summative 3 times windows a year Summative Assessment End of year Used as a snapshot ESSA eliminated punitive consequences Information & transparency Practice Tests - Demo tests with universal usernames and logins for anyone to access and experience the KITE. Don’t Forget to Practice: This makes sure all Machines are updated and working properly!
Purpose of Assessment Training
Test security is essential to obtain reliable and valid scores for accountability purposes. Accordingly, the Department of Education must take every step to assure the security and confidentiality of the state test materials. It is the responsibility of individuals who develop the tests, who administer the tests, and/or those who use the results to follow test security protocols, regulations, and procedures.
Security/Ethics Yearly Training
All Kansas assessment programs must abide by test security and ethical testing practices. All staff who administer a state assessment must be trained yearly! Must be an employee of the school system. No volunteers, parents, etc.
Resources for Assessment Information
Anyone administering or proctoring must read the following documents before testing!!! Testing Overview Window Calendar Appropriate Testing Practices Fact Sheet Test Security and Ethics Fact Sheet Kansas State Test Security Guidelines & Monitor Checklist Kansas Assessment Examiner’s Manual or KELPA2 Examiner’s Manual All are found on the District Website Curriculum Page
Kansas State Test Security Guidelines
Please take time now to read the Test Security Guidelines. This training will reference key points in the document that are critical for staff who administer a state assessment to understand. Highlight text that is important to the role you serve when administering a state assessment. Have staff: Highlight text that is important to the role they serve when administering a state assessment. Allow time for discussion of text in the document as you work through the training.
Fact Sheets Updates: The fact sheet has been divided into two fact sheets for Test Security and Ethics Fact Sheet Appropriate Testing Practices Fact Sheet Take time to read and review the Test Security and Ethics Fact Sheet and the Appropriate Testing Practices Fact sheet now. This training will refer back to these documents.
Verification of Training Form
District and building-level personnel must sign the training verification form and leave it today at end of presentation Building-level personnel includes any staff member who administers a state assessment, including administrators, educators, para-educators, etc. Parent volunteers may not administer a state assessment.
Session vs Section Each test has 2 test sessions! Session 1 (day 1)
Within a test session It may have two test sections. If this happens the test will have a soft break that divides the test session into two sections
Summative Math Test: Test design:
2-stage adaptive to a fixed form with 2 sessions Items not aligned to the 2017 Kansas Math Standards were removed Resource Sheet: Available only for Session 1 in KITE Student Portal for grades 4-8 and 10 Grades 4-8 & 10 will have a grade-specific resource sheet with formulas and conversions Available on website ( mid-September
Summative Math Test: Calculator Section – grades 6 – 8, 10
The calculator inactive portion will be Section 1 of both sessions The calculator active portion will be Section 2 of both sessions Session 1 Section 1 Calculator inactive – soft break – Calculator active Session 2
Summative ELA Test: No change 2 stage adaptive
Items not aligned to 2017 standards were removed Field test items will added Each session minutes Score one week after close of window Parent Guides in English and Spanish
Summative Science Test:
Aligned to current Kansas Science Standards Test items are being evaluated and replaced when needed 2 test sessions, fixed form, administration time is about 45 minute Teacher item writing event for the spring/summer are going to be scheduled to involve KS educators
KITE Student Portal: New Look with Kite picture
Old software must be uninstalled and the new software must be downloaded Student usernames and passwords Available in extracts Available as a “ticket”
Test Tickets vs Daily Access Codes
You will only need to ONE ticket for students (this will be provided by your building coordinator) This student ticket will have the student’s username and password to KITE that will not change throughout all of testing. This ticket will “open the door to KITE for the student” Testing Coordinators will provide daily passwords to “unlock” the tests for the students When a test is complete then that password will expire for that subject and part If a student does not finish or is unable to take the test on a certain day, the next day’s password will enable access to where the student needs to test. If you gave interim the usernames and passwords are the same
Educator/Test Proctor Roles and Responsibilities:
Follow established district/building procedures for collecting and destroying testing materials, student notes, scratch paper, and drawings, etc., upon completion of each test session and the entire test. Remove or cover (with opaque material) bulletin board displays, charts and diagrams, and other instructional material that could give assistance or advantage during testing. Take time to review the list of responsibilities now.
Security Information Educator Portal
Different levels of access are granted in the Educator Portal. Refer to the HELP tab for a complete list. IMPORTANT: Username and passwords to the Educator Portal cannot be given out, loaned or shared with anyone.
KITE™ System KITE is a platform delivering the next generation of assessments. KITE Client Delivers assessments to students Educator Portal Manages student, user, and assessment data Student Accessing KITE Teacher Accessing Educator Portal
Student Access to KITE Student will use their testing ticket to sign in. When the student logs into KITE the student should verify that this screen says their name. If not have the student STOP and you should immediately notify your Building Testing Coordinator.
Student Access to KITE Once logged into KITE then the student will be given the daily password to the different parts of the test.
Teacher Script Directions
Prior to administering the Kansas Assessment, teachers/proctors will read the script to their students that is located in the teacher section of the Kansas Assessment Manual Teachers will pass out the testing ticket to the students and the students will log into KITE to access the test Teachers will provide the daily passwords for the subject and section that they are administering. This password may be written on the board or shared on the projector.
Teachers/Test Proctor Reminders
Actively monitor the testing environment by moving around the room. Moving around the room encourages students to focus on their own work. All chalkboards and white boards in rooms used for testing should be clean and have no information on them. Teacher/test proctor may not say nor do anything that would let a student know whether an answer is correct.
Administering the Text to Speech
These students will need a set of headphones for their testing device The computer will read the questions and answers only to the TTS student. If a student cannot hear the TTS after logging into KITE please notify your building testing coordinator immediately. Do not allow the student to take the test without the test being read to them. Your district testing coordinator will troubleshoot the issues and reactivate the test so that the TTS is working properly.
Time Limits All assessments are untimed. Each student must be allowed as much time as necessary to complete each part in one setting. If a student does not complete a test part within the time given, the student may be allowed more time. This additional time should be provided immediately following the testing sessions. If the session is the last period of school the student can be allowed to finish the next school day using a new access code. Test sessions must be given in order.
At Completion of Test Session
Teacher/test proctor should verify the Review End Screen in KITE upon completion of the test to see that all test questions have been answered before a student exits the test. You should verify that the student has all green check marks If a teacher did not see the review end screen they should notify their building testing coordinator immediately so that the building testing coordinator can log into KITE to verify that all answers were complete before the student is dismissed from the computer. Teacher may have access to monitor status screen???
Securing Test Items No one, including test coordinators, principals, or teachers may review tests or analyze tests items before, during or after the assessment is administered. Teacher/Test Proctor may not store or save test items on computers or personal storage devices Test items may not be shared via or other file sharing systems Test items may not be reproduced by any means
Reactivation for a Student
Reactivation will be done at the district level. The district testing coordinator will keep a log of all reactivations. State will be monitoring reactivations. Before requesting a reactivation please make sure you are trying the correct passcode for the correct session. If for some reason a student’s test stops, they may reuse the username, password and Daily Access Code if it occurs within 90 minutes of the original login. After 90 minutes have passed, the test session must be reactivated.
Basic Procedures Follow procedures for collecting student notes, tickets, scratch paper, and drawings, etc. upon completion of each test part and the entire test. Usernames & Passwords to KITE Educator portal should not be shared Report any breach of security to your building testing coordinator who will then share it with the district coordinator. Remember: personally identifiable information (PII) must not be conveyed when testing issues are reported. The documentation for Kansas regarding allowable identifiers in an specify that only the Student State ID number and no other identifying details should be provided in an .
Monitor Visit Purpose: KSDE staff and the members of the Kansas Assessment Advisory Council visit about 10% of Kansas Schools during the test administration. Monitor team visits – representative sample of districts across Kansas, across all state BOE regions including both large and small districts Review the requirements and make sure that you are following all procedures correctly. Not something to worry about if following the checklist
Questions Please sign the verification form to validate you have participated in the Test Security and Ethics training for 2018 and leave at the front of auditorium before you leave.
Let’s Go Be Incredible!
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