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Exercise 6 Association Rule

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1 Exercise 6 Association Rule
数据分析与数据挖掘 Exercise 6 Association Rule

2 Deadline: Please submit a document together with the Matlab codes. Package your homework with your name and student number. Please submit your package to You should NOT collude with other student groups or plagiarize their work.

3 What might be the difficulties and achievements?
Association rules represent a learning method to discover relations and associations between groups of data. The purpose of the association rules is to find certain patterns in the items in a large database. Please write an essay of the association rules taking, Inc, the largest Internet-based retailer in USA as the case study. Thinking yourself as the “7-digits income” data scientist. Now this famous and large Amazon gives you an opportunity to improve their system. Please write what you can do by using association rules. Anything related to association rules, e.g., different algorithms, improvements on the algorithms, problems, etc. Figure out a problem from the Amazon that can be solved by the association rule. Considering a certain algorithm, specify the data you would like to get from the Amazon for applying the algorithm, i.e., describe the data you want. List your expected result. What might be the difficulties and achievements? …… anything that is not restricted to the above.

4 Requirements The length of the essay is limited to 4 pages in one column, the font size is preferred to be 12, line spacing is 1.5. Put a reference part at the end of the paper. Either English or Chinese is accepted. However, the writing in English will have 10% bonus points. The formatting part takes 30% of the points. A clear idea takes 40% of the points. It is suggested to perform readings on the topic. The rest of the points depends on the general performance on the paper.

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