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How Presentation Teams Work

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1 How Presentation Teams Work

2 How Presentation Teams Work
Team Setup Every Presentation Team is different, however, they are set up and run similarly Every site has the following team members An Account Manager Team Leaders for the various shifts One or two Workflow Co-ordinator (depending on the size of the team) A number of Senior Operators Operators Some sites also have Trainee Operators All the above work various shifts

3 How Presentation Teams Work (continued)
Hours of work Most sites have four shifts offering a 7 day/24 hour service The shifts are split into Days – generally 08.00–16.00 / 09.00–17.00 / 10.00–18.00 Evenings – generally 15.00–23.00 /16.00–00.00 / 17.00–01.00 Nights – generally 23.00–07.00 / 00.00–08.00 / 01.00–09.00 Weekends – 12 hours shits

4 How Presentation Teams Work (continued)
Hot desking When you work in a DTP Presentation department you will ‘hot desk’. This means that you will share a desk with a least one other person, but possibly another three people. In some companies you may not even have a specific desk, and will just have to sit at an empty desk when you arrive for your shift

5 How Presentation Teams Work (continued)
Job process Every bank / company has a different job process but basically it is as follows The job requests arrive in the department either Via , which may include the actual document, a brief, a scanned mark-up or submission form and any supporting documents Or, the client comes into the department with a brief and mark-up

6 How Presentation Teams Work (continued)
Workflow Co-ordinator procedures The Workflow Co-ordinator then Looks through the request Speak to client for any clarification and confirm deadline In some banks the Workflow Co-ordinator will also add an estimate to the job Allocate a job number Allocate an operator to work on the request The Workflow Co-ordinator is seen as the buffer between the clients and the operators

7 How Presentation Teams Work (continued)
Operator procedures The allocated operator receives the request Takes the brief from the Workflow Co-ordinator (if one was received from the client) Reads through all instructions May speak to the client for further clarification Completes the request Print and proof the document Read through all instructions again to ensure all tasks requested have been completed Return to the client

8 How Presentation Teams Work (continued)
Document management Some banks / companies may use a version of a document management system, i.e. e-docs All files are held on one central server rather than on individual computers Only one person can “log out” a file at any one time This is great for version control as the main version in the folder is always the latest version

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