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A huge thank you to parents for contributing wish list items to our class. 8/17 First sight word test Students will be called.

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Presentation on theme: "A huge thank you to parents for contributing wish list items to our class. 8/17 First sight word test Students will be called."— Presentation transcript:

1 A huge thank you to parents for contributing wish list items to our class.
8/ First sight word test Students will be called individually to read the list of words. 8/ First spelling test Words will be sent home on Monday, August 20th. 8/21-8/ First i-Ready diagnostic Please remind your child to take his/ her time on the assessment. 8/ Early Release Students will be dismissed at 12:45 Please return all school forms if you haven’t already done so. Check homework folders and class dojo daily. 12 out of 22 parents have connected to dojo. Please connect with the class if you haven’t done so. If there is a change with transportation, please write a note. Parents of car riders, please be at school no later than 3:00 to pick up your child. Late pick ups will be referred to the office. Sight Word List but who too what so with brown new Please review these sight words each night. Have your child practice recognizing, spelling and writing these words. ELA: Listen to stories and engage in conversations about topic and text. MATH: Use numerals to represent number of objects. SOCIAL STUDIES: Identify city, state, country and continent. HEALTH: Conflict Resolution

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