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ANZAC Day 25th of April 2012 By Kayla.

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Presentation on theme: "ANZAC Day 25th of April 2012 By Kayla."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANZAC Day 25th of April 2012 By Kayla

2 When was World War 1? When was World War 1? World War One began July 28, 1914 and ended November 11, Why did World War 1 begin? It started when a Serbian called Gavrilo Princip killed the Austro-Hungarian duke – Franz Ferdinand. Which side did Australia fight on during the war and why? The Australians were the Allies and fought with Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and India Montenegro.

3 Where is Gallipoli? Where is Gallipoli? Gallipoli is located in the Eastern part of Turkey. Why was Gallipoli important to the allies during the war? The campaign was the first major battle undertaken by the ANZACs. Why is Gallipoli important in Australian History? In Australia and New Zealand, the campaign was the first major battle undertaken by a joint military formation.

4 What does ANZAC mean? Where did the name ANZAC originate?
It is not known exactly how and where the name ANZAC originated, but there are several theories. What does ANZAC mean? ANZAC means: Australian New Zealand Army Corps.

5 Why do we commemorate ANZAC Day?
When do we commemorate ANZAC Day? We commemorate ANZAC Day on the 25th of April every year. Why is it commemorated on this day? ANZAC Day is commemorated by Australians and New Zealanders on 25 April because that is the anniversary of the day in 1915 when the troops landed at Gallipoli on the Turkish Aegean coast.

6 How do we commemorate ANZAC Day?
Why is a poppy worn on ANZAC Day? A poppy is worn on ANZAC Day because they were on the battlefields at Gallipoli. What is the ode? Why is it important? A song in Greek with music and dancing or a poem for someone special. What is the Last Post? Where did the Last Post originate from? The Last Post is a song that is played from a bugle on ANZAC Day. What is a War Memorial? A War Memorial is where they commemorate all the people that went to war that have passed away.

7 My Thoughts Do I celebrate ANZAC Day?
We go to Melbourne to watch my Grandpa march. Do I have any family stories about the war? My great grandpa went to the First World War and kept a dairy. What are my feelings about ANZAC Day? I feel sorry for all of the families that lost relatives or friends during a war.

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