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Parallel programming laboratory

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1 Parallel programming laboratory

2 Iterated function attractors
z = x + iy Converge into point p Divergent Evolve in a closed region: Attractor

3 z  z2 z = r e i r  r 2   2 divergent convergent 1
Attractor: H = F(H)

4 Attractor The attractor is a boundary between the divergent and convergent region Filled attractor = non divergent region z n+1 = z n2 : if |z |<  then black

5 Julia set: z  z2 + c

6 Filled Julia set: algorithm
Im z (X,Y) FilledJuliaDraw ( ) FOR Y = 0 TO Ymax DO FOR X = 0 TO Xmax DO ViewportWindow(X,Y  x, y) z = x + j y FOR i = 0 TO n DO z = z2 + c IF |z| > “infinity” THEN WRITE(X,Y, white) ELSE WRITE(X,Y, black) ENDFOR END Re z

7 Mandelbrot set Those C complex numbers, where the
z  z2 + c Julia set is connected

8 Mandelbrot set, algorithm
MandelbrotDraw ( ) FOR Y = 0 TO Ymax DO FOR X = 0 TO Xmax DO ViewportWindow(X,Y  x, y) c = x + j y z = 0 FOR i = 0 TO n DO z = z2 + c IF |z| > “infinity” THEN WRITE(X,Y, white) ELSE WRITE(X,Y, black) ENDFOR END

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