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How A Nerve Impulse Moves

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Presentation on theme: "How A Nerve Impulse Moves"— Presentation transcript:

1 How A Nerve Impulse Moves

2 Structure of a neuron

3 3 types of neurons

4 long dendrit, short axon short dendrite, long or short axon
3 types of neurons Sensory Neuron Interneuron Motor Neuron Structure long dendrit, short axon short dendrite, long or short axon short dendrite, long axon Function conduct impulse to the spinal chord interconnect a sensory neuron with a motor neuron conduct impulse to an effector muscle Location cell body and dendrite are outside spinal chord axon runs up spinal chord entirely within Central Nervous System (brain or spinal chord) Dendrites and cell body are in spinal chord axon is outside of spinal chord and runs to the muscle

5 Interesting Facts About Neurons
largest neuron is 30 meters long in a blue whale giraffe neuron is 5 meters long human neurons can be up to 2 meters long


7 Four parts to nerve impulse transmission:
1. Depolarization 2. Repolarization 3. Recovery 4. Synaptic Jump


9 Depolarization

10 Repolarization


12 Recovery after the impulse travelled, the neuron needs to reset itself
sodium potassium pump will reverse the sodium and potassium concentrations inside and outside the cell


14 How do the neurons connect the impulse?

15 The Process of Nerve conduction from start to finish...
Draw and label the process from start to finish on your own. Then do a gallery walk to correct each others

16 How an impulse crosses a synapse



19 Play Dough Action You and a partner will use a white board and playdough to act out an impulse moving along a neuron and across to another. You need to include: 1. depolarization 2. repolarization 3. recovery 4. outline what three different neurotransmitters do

20 In two teams, you will create a video that shows how a nerve impulse travels from a sensory neuron to interneuron to a motor neuron. You need to include: 1. Stimulus to sensory neuron 2. Process of Depolarization 2. Process of Repolarization 3. Process of Recovery (just mention Na/K Pump) 4. Ca2+ at synaptic terminal 5. vesicle movement 6. release of neurotransmitter 7. docking of neurotransmitter 8. depolarization of interneuron 9. movement along interneuron 10. synaptic to motor neuron 11. depolarization of motor neuron 12. movement of muscle

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