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Chemical Properties.

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1 Chemical Properties

2 Observing Chemical Properties
A chemical property is any ability to produce a change in the composition of matter.

3 Observing Chemical Properties
Chemical properties can be observed only when the substances are changing into different substances. Flammability and reactivity are two examples of chemical properties.

4 Flammability Flammability is a material’s ability to burn in the presence of oxygen.

5 Reactivity Describes how quickly a substance combines chemically with other substances is reactivity.

6 Recognizing Chemical Changes
A chemical change occurs when a substance reacts and forms one or more new substances. Three common types of evidence for a chemical change are: change in color the production of a gas the formation of a precipitate.

7 A Change in Color A change in color is a clue that a chemical change has produced at least one new substance. EX: As a match burns, it shrivels up and turns black. EX: Over time a shiny silver bracelet that is exposed to air will darken.

8 Production of a Gas Production in gas is a clue that a chemical change is happening. EX: bubbles

9 Formation of a Precipitate
Any solid that forms and separates from a liquid mixture is called a precipitate. EX: If you add lemon juice or vinegar to milk, proteins in the milk undergo a chemical change that alters their structure and causes white solid bits to separate from the liquid (curdling of milk).

10 Is a Change Chemical or Physical?
When matter undergoes a chemical change, the composition of the matter changes. When matter undergoes a physical change, the composition of the matter remains the same.

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