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Social Media Organising Techniques

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1 Social Media Organising Techniques
MUA Young Workers Conference Strachan Crang Thursday, 3rd December 09

2 Agenda Communication Facebook and our developments
Screen shots of the Zeal 320 pages Mechanics Analysis Other opportunities and future Summary

3 Union Communication Union meetings One to one communication
Newsletters, flyers, magazines Education and organising tool Appreciated by members Hated by the boss Vital during a dispute

4 Social Media Disseminating information through social interaction
Information and knowledge that is highly accessible Challenges industrial media TV and newspapers for “hits” Social networking, file sharing, blogs, Content that you can add to - interaction

5 Social Networking Started developing in 2002 in the US
Allows people to communicate privately and publicly with each other Broken down communication barriers Many applications – Bebo, Facebook, My space Face book users now over 300 million.

6 Facebook organising Developed over 12 months during the Zeal dispute
Remote workforce = communication challenge Allows members to have a meeting or forum at any time Democratisies information and knowledge

7 Mechanics Closed group Controlled by admin users
Site is used to ask question about the application of their agreement Coordinate action Post union updates Discussion/debate work issues


9 Mechanics Wall used for general debate, broadcasting information
Links to other pages including video, photos, events and discussion board Moderation needed to answer questions, direct debate and ensure inappropriate material isn’t published Members now self moderating


11 How we set it up Started group through the group application
Gathered the workers address when scoping the site Members were invited into group by admin Started slowly introducing union material to them Daily communication about the bargaining progress When the action started it took off.



14 Discussion board Post a papers/reports on a separate wall
Members can comment on the paper like a debate We post our updates (newsletters) Members post issues that they have so others can comment Unlike the wall the discussion can be tracked




18 Analysis Pro’s Highly accessible Information sharing Organising
Fight fires early Link other relevant sites and information Democratises info Member involvement Con’s Barrier to older members Not 100% secure Time consuming It takes time to get running – 12 months Not searchable

19 Other opportunities You tube - trade union ed, media
Skype - Conferences, trade union ed Blogs - the new talkback radio Flicker - comments, media access Wikipedia - uploading union information

20 Future Developments - Wiki
Online encyclopaedia Post information and then can be amended Post a clause and application of clause If the application changes or enhances the post can be amended Discussion board included on web page Fully searchable

21 Summary Can do this with any social interaction application
Highly accessible Democratises information and knowledge Organising tool It doesn’t happen overnight be patient

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