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Vocabulary Quiz September 28.

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1 Vocabulary Quiz September 28

2 frugal Definition: careful with money or food Synonym: thrifty
Antonym: genrous

3 generous Definition: ready to give more of something than is expected
Synonym: giving Antonym: frugal

4 perturbed Definition: anxious or unsettled Synonym: agitated
Antonym: calm

5 forbid Definition: refuse to allow Synonym: prohibit Antonym: allow

6 boastful Definition: excessive pride in achievements
Synonym: conceited Antonym: modest

7 identify Definition: to locate or find something

8 infer Definition: to reason or conclude based on evidence

9 integrate Definition: to combine or put together information

10 research Definition: to collect information on a topic

11 1.

12 2.

13 3.

14 4.

15 5.

16 6.

17 7.

18 8.

19 9.

20 Synonyms 1. frugal agitated 2. generous prohibit 3. perturbed thrifty
4. forbid conceited 5. boastful giving

21 Antonyms 1. frugal calm 2. generous allow 3. perturbed modest
4. forbid frugal 5. boastful generous

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