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The introduction of the cardiac unit in the hospital has provided a unique opportunity for the hospital to gain competitive advantage through the human resource available. This department has set up a plan that allows the hospital to find the best and most skilled talent in the market today. Through a combination of policies, the hospital will make use of these talents to set apart the hospital making it a first rate and ideal place for individuals to seek treatment.

3 Four areas of human resource
Total quality programs: will allow the cardiac unit to focus more on the customer, a unique aspect which will give the unit a competitive advantage. A specialized center such as this, requires quality and exceptional equipment as well as human resource in order to become the excellence center that it seeks to be. Secondly, the human resource requires basis on which teamwork can be built. It is expected that the hospital will face several challenges before profitability can be achieved. Teamwork will therefore be sought through tem build exercises and designation of tasks. With teamwork, staff will be more likely to work through the challenges in order to become profitable.

4 Four areas of human resource
It is vital to re-engineer the entire human resource in order become profitable. Reengineering involves providing a mix of ideal talents and skills which will be best employed in making the cardiac unit the best in the nation. It is important that communication channels remain open to navigate the employees through. Cardiac units have come under heavy criticism for hiring less tan sufficient staff. The available staff therefore has to work long hours in order to cater to the patients. Unfortunately many mistakes are often made. With this in mind, the hospital seeks to create a flexible work schedule which allows the employees to rest and maintain high energy.

5 Human resource strategy
Washington university has set up a human resource strategy that links the skills, knowledge of the employees with the right objectives and goals of the new cardiac unit. This strategy simplifies the process of decision making. Decisions in the cardiac unit are expected to be made fast and in good time. With a specialized unit, there is need for high performance. An excellent team of doctors and administrators is likely to draw patients from everywhere seeking the exclusive, first class treatment. With high performance, success is guarantee from the beginning.

6 Recruitment of the right staff
A cardiac unit requires the best and most skilled teams in order to develop the same unit into a brand name. the right recruitment policies will ensure that high performance will be maintained. The recruitment process is the first step in ensuring the right resources are found for the cardiac unit. Several considerations will be put in place during the recruitment process and these are: the hospital is operating under a budget due to previous declining income, staff need to be put in appropriate levels reflecting their skills and experience and finally the recruitment process needs to address the staffing needs.

7 Compensation and benefits
The first step in attracting high quality staff who show interest in vacant positions in the unit is through the right compensation and benefits package. Majority of the hospital turnover can be blamed on competition finding compensation and benefit packages that in turn attract the employees enticing them to leave their positions. Research has been made into what the experts and skilled cardiac workers are most inclined to be attracted by. This has been translated into a compensation and benefit package that is not only likely to attract new staff but also maintain them.

8 Training and development
This will be undertaken in two basic measures and steps: The first will be training for the current staff who maybe willing or have expressed interest in making professional changes. Such employee will be required to hand in early application before the vacancies are filled. Once interest ahs been confirmed and commitment to the change has been established, they can then proceed to training. Secondly, the new staff will be exposed to training to allow them to become more confident and competent in the completion of tasks that have been set upon them

9 Employee relations The biggest and most important challenge for the new cardiac unit is to bridge the gap between employers and employees. Communication between these two groups is the secret in the success of the unit. Employees and employers will better handle the upcoming challenges, if they have a strong relationship and are ideally working towards the same growth, change is much easier to handle. Good employee relations also ensure that the employees remain loyal and omitted to the goals of the unit. There is therefore likely to be less turnover in the unit which would be extreme costly.

10 Selecting the right people
The process of finding the right candidates may not be as simple as has been imagined. This is because, the cardiac unit requires specialists in areas of cardiac treatment. Although they are available, they are much sort after and some may not be the ideal fit for this unit. This is because, the brand of the cardiac nit will be based on their skills and ambience which they create for patients. It is for this reason that candidates will be selected carefully through a meticulous step by step process which has been designed to find and recruit only the best for the cardiac unit.

11 Ensuring effectiveness
Even with the right skills and knowledge, it is possible that the employees could in turn become less than effective in the unit they are to run. The cardiac treatment itself offers several challenges, and employees need to be completely committed to offering only the best in order to win the race of best cardiac unit. Through performance measurements, delegation of tasks and freedom to complete said tasks in the manner they see fit, it is expected that the employees will not only master but indeed become effective in the hospital.

12 Retention Once the right candidates have been found, the next challenge arises in ensuring that they remain in place and continue to employ their skills for the benefit of the Washington hospital cardiac unit. Retention is often maintained through compensation and a positive work environment. Considering that the candidates and employees of a cardiac unit are often well sort after and especially by competition who wish to create their own winning unit, it is best to ensure that they remain completely satisfied by keeping in touch and attending to their vital needs so that they eel part f the Washington hospital family.

13 Leadership development
As the cardiac unit continues to grow, it is expected that it will develop most sort after managers and leaders, leaders who are aware of the Washington hospital challenges and have developed ideal tools and mechanisms to resolve said challenges. There is the possibility that the unit will grow leaders, churning them out to run not just the cardiac section but the hospital as well. This means that a proper succession plan needs to be put in lace in order to allow for career growth and development.

14 Interview preparation
There is a common misconception that only candidates are expected to prepare for interviews, however, even the panelists need some preparation in order to portray the right ambience to the possible candidates. A haphazard interview is likely to cause some of the candidates to shun off the offers they are given by the hospital. It is also possible for the panelists to select the wrong candidate since they did not know what they were focused on in the first place. preparations for the interviews will be thorough with the help of human resource employees who will train and asset in the interview process.

15 Interview preparation
During the process of preparation, pamphlets and information on the right candidates will be shared with potential panelist. This allows them to become familiar with what they are to expect and gives a general idea upon which they can also add their own suggestions. Furthermore, panelists will interact with the resumes, so that they have basic knowledge of the candidates and therefore know which areas of interest they are to focus on, which require clarification and which need to be improved. Finally, the panelists will be given a general question guideline so that they can base their own questions on the same.

16 Future planning Whereas the hospital is hiring employees to begin running the cardiac center presently, future plans have been made to ensure sustainability of today’s strategy. Whereas changes will be encountered, there is a general plan for the human resource and how it can be used to realize the goals of Washington hospital. With this plan, managers of the unit can easily have a foundation upon which they could base their decisions for the unit. It also provides a general path which they can follow towards achievement of the cardiac unit goals.


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