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Testing Methods STARFISH Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Testing Methods STARFISH Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Testing Methods STARFISH Workshop

2 Testing Procedures Must be Consistent Reliable Reproducible

3 Conditioning Standard conditions: 20 °C and 65% RH
Measurements affected by moisture content Fabric weight Courses & Wales Yarn count Stitch Length Strength Shrinkage STARFISH assumes standard conditions STARFISH Workshop

4 Relative Humidity & Moisture Regain
Scoured cotton at 25 °C 24 20 Absorption 16 Desorption Moisture Regain % 12 8 4 20 40 60 80 100 Relative Humidity Source: Shirley Institute 1930 STARFISH Workshop

5 Yarn Testing Yarn quality is a key control factor
Spinners do extensive testing Develop relationship with spinner Ask for his test data Learn what they mean Knitter should at least monitor yarn count STARFISH Workshop

6 Test Methods for Yarns Count : ISO 2060 ASTM D 1907 Twist :
Friction : ASTM D 3108 STARFISH Workshop

7 Yarn Count 20 skeins per sample 1 skein per package 1 package per box
Number of samples established supplier : 1 new supplier : 5 CV% within and between samples Use Quality Control Charts STARFISH Workshop

8 Yarn Twist a a Difficult test - should be automated
Spinner's data may be more reliable ... especially for OE rotor yarns Use the same samples as for count = turns per inch / sqrt (Ne) e a = turns per cm . sqrt (tex) a tex STARFISH Workshop

9 Yarn Friction Should not be a problem ... with a good supplier
New suppliers ... should be checked Friction coefficient ... between 0.10 and 0.15 STARFISH Workshop

10 Other Yarn Testing Regularity, Evenness, Hairiness visual assessment
blackboard wrappings ASTM Grade standards knitting test STARFISH Workshop

11 Knitting Test Small diameter single-feeder machine
Include standard yarn fabric appearance dyeing behaviour neps / specks spirality / barré Lawson-Hemphill: FAK Lab Knitting Machine STARFISH Workshop

12 Knitting Test Small diameter single-feeder machine
Include standard yarn fabric appearance dyeing behaviour neps / specks spirality / barré Source: Uster® Technologies AG STARFISH Workshop

13 Fabric Testing Routine Quality Control
check process control systems are working correctly tests required by customer Minimum testing because product performance is guaranteed by correct design and precise process control STARFISH Workshop

14 Fabric Testing Quality Assurance check new yarn batches OK
check instrumentation OK check testing procedures OK calibrate process machinery More detailed testing because this is how we ensure that control systems are working properly STARFISH Workshop

15 Fabric Testing STARFISH test methods Stitch Length Yarn Count
Course & Wale densities Weight per unit area Shrinkage STARFISH Workshop

16 Stitch Length Technique
Usually measure consecutive courses Identify different tape drives Identify different courses in pattern Identify different yarns All technicians using the same technique NB. Accurate marking, Visible wales STARFISH Workshop

17 Measuring Stitch Length
100 wales inside marks Cut inside marks for exactly 100 wales at least 2 specimens at least 10 courses at least 5 repeats STARFISH Workshop

18 Measuring Stitch Length
Sodemat: Maillemeter 3: LFA STARFISH Workshop

19 Measuring Stitch Length

20 Measuring Stitch Length

21 Yarn Count In conjunction with Stitch Length cut inside the marks
remove 100 threads repeat at least twice calculate total length in metres determine weight in grams tex = Weight / Length STARFISH Workshop

22 Course & Wale Density are Key Process Control Parameters
Courses are counted along a wale Wales are counted along a line perpendicular to the wales STARFISH Workshop

23 Courses & Wales Technique
Identify a specific point in the loop Establish a technique for estimating part - loops Estimate the last stitch to at least one quarter of a loop Make use of the structural cell All technicians - identical technique STARFISH Workshop

24 Counting Loops cm Choose a specific place in the loop
1 cm Choose a specific place in the loop to start counting STARFISH Workshop

25 Counting Loops 3 Estimate the fraction of a repeat in the last
part - loop STARFISH Workshop

26 Structural Knitted Cell
Use with complicated constructions when some courses are not visible e.g. Double Crosstuck One cell equals four courses STARFISH Workshop

27 Course and Wale Density
Accurate determination of courses and wales Can reduce the need for routine shrinkage testing STARFISH Workshop

28 Measured vs Calculated Shrinkage
30 Each data point is the mean of 5 replications 25 20 10 fabric types 20 test procedures 15 Calculated Shrinkage 10 5 y = x R2 = 0.95 -5 -10 -10 -5 5 10 15 20 25 30 Measured Shrinkage STARFISH Workshop

29 Area Weight STARFISH Workshop

30 Area Weight NOT a Key Process Control Parameter
Important to customer and producer fabric yield and cost loss of weight in preparation Accurate determination needs technique STARFISH Workshop

31 Weight Measurement Problems
Weight is affected by moisture content … errors of up to ~ 4 % Circular cutters not always accurate … if in doubt check area of specimen STARFISH Workshop

32 Area Weight Technique Avoid distortion errors
Change blades & boards regularly Cut one specimen at a time Cut at least three specimens Allow specimens to relax STARFISH Workshop

33 p Area = * a * b / 4 a = 11.3 b = 11.3 area = 100.3 a b 12 10 8 6 4 2

34 p Area = * a * b / 4 a = 10.8 b = 11.5 area = 97.5 error = 2.5 % a b
6 8 10 12 b a a = 10.8 b = 11.5 area = 97.5 error = 2.5 % STARFISH Workshop

35 Spirality Direction & Sign
Negative Positive S Z STARFISH Workshop

36 Spirality Measurement
wale line spirality angle 90 course line STARFISH Workshop

37 Spirality Technique Mark a wale line Mark a course line
Place protractor at intersection Measure the angle between the wale and the perpendicular Repeat at least four more times Use an eyeglass when marking lines STARFISH Workshop

38 Shrinkage Testing NOT a Key Production Control Parameter
Not a very reliable parameter Try to eliminate from routine testing May be needed for calibration purposes STARFISH Workshop

39 Shrinkage Measurement
ISO 3759 1 2 3 Single layers, square 1 Square template 2 Align with the wales 3 Clear datum points Remeasure distances STARFISH Workshop

40 STARFISH Reference Relaxation
1. Full wash programme at 60 °C 2. Tumble dry (completely dry) 3. Rewet on rinse cycle 4. Tumble dry (completely dry) 5. Repeat 3 and 4 three more times 6. Condition Fabric is now in the "Reference State" STARFISH Workshop

41 Tumble Dryer Exhaust Temperature
Plain Jersey, Mercerised 70 60 50 Exhaust Temperature, °C 40 30 20 40 60 80 100 Drying Time, min STARFISH Workshop

42 STARFISH Shrinkage Method
Each Sample five specimens 70 x 70 cm measuring area 50 x 50 cm Each Specimen three marks for length three marks for width Average all 15 measurements STARFISH Workshop

43 Routine Shrinkage Measurement
Reference method too expensive Use the 2 : 2 : 2 Method Two specimens Two pairs of marks Two cycles Other conditions the same Establish relationship to Reference Method STARFISH Workshop

44 Confidence Limits in Shrinkage Testing
20 different fabrics 200 400 tests 5 specimens per test length & width shrinkages 150 Frequency 100 50 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 Confidence Limit STARFISH Workshop

45 Factors Affecting Shrinkage
Specimen size Number of specimens Conditioning Number of cycles Drying conditions Previous laundering history STARFISH Workshop

46 Specimen Size Measuring Area Standard Deviation 50 x 50 cm 0.6 to 1.1
Use 5 specimens for 50 x 50 Use 6 specimens for 25 x 25 STARFISH Workshop

47 Conditioning and Length Shrinkage
Interlock, Winch Dyed 21 19 17 Average Length Shrinkage, % 15 Before Conditioning After Conditioning 13 11 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Total Time in Tumble dryer, min STARFISH Workshop

48 Conditioning and Width Shrinkage
Interlock, Winch Dyed 13 12 11 Average Width Shrinkage, % Before Conditioning 10 After Conditioning 9 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Total Time in Tumble dryer, min STARFISH Workshop

49 Effect of Test Conditions
Line drying ... generates less shrinkage Tumble drying ... is more reproducible Length shrinkage ... increases with number of cycles Width shrinkage ... may reduce with number of cycles STARFISH Workshop

50 Reproducibility Typical STARFISH laboratory results Accuracy Target %
Minimum Specimens CV% Courses & Wales 2.0 6 Stitch Length 0.5 6 Weight 2.0 3.0 4 Accuracy = t * CV / sqrt ( N ) t is the Student's t statistic STARFISH Workshop

51 Quality Control of Testing
Testing is expensive It must be dependable Systematic, random sampling Monitor reproducibility Internal consistency checks STARFISH Workshop

52 Internal Consistency Checks
Standard statistics Control Charts for CV% Calculation checks Weight Courses & Wales Blind check-tests STARFISH Workshop

53 Calculation Checks When full tests have been carried out
e.g . calibration, product development Fabric Weight is calculated from courses, wales, tex, stitch length Reference courses & wales from shrinkages and as del. courses & wales Measured and calculated values should agree STARFISH Workshop

54 STARFISH Workshop

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