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Great Depression & New Deal Project Introduction February 26 & 27, 2015.

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1 Great Depression & New Deal Project Introduction February 26 & 27, 2015


3 Great Depression Causes
Objective: SWBAT analyze and prepare a poster project through internet research. Purpose: To become mini-experts of the New Deal era. Standard(s): 2.13 Historical Thinking Skill: Analyze & Synthesis

4 Announcements: Semester 2 Discipline Plan & Procedures
Use of cellphone / mp3 device: I will grant the use of the cellphone or mp3 device during SPECIFIC segments of the lesson. 1. Warm-up: No! 2. Activity: Foldable’s, in-class work: YES! 3. Lecture Notes, Video Notes, Picture Analysis & Discussion: No! 4. Assessment / Assignment (depends): YES! 5. Closure/Exit Slip: No! Failure to comply with rules or directions WILL result in disciplinary actions. Classroom Behavior & Participation Update: I will both REWARD and PUNISH Classroom Behavior & Participation with points. I will REWARD based on participation, raising hand, discussion, answering questions, and good behavior. I will PUNISH based on classroom disruption, insubordination, off-task behavior, not following rules / procedures, etc. will be used this semester as a tool to allow me to remind YOU when assignments may be due, upcoming tests, and other general things of importance to the class and YOUR education. This will be a required assignment. Use of Notebooks: Notebooks will be assigned to each and every student and will be color coded based on classroom period. Notebooks will be retrieved prior to the warm-up and returned after the closure. Notebooks DO NOT need to be taken home. They can stay in the classroom. Late Policy: Late assignments will result in ½ off after the due date.

5 Warm-up: CNN Student News
Receive Notebook and write NAME & CLASS PERIOD # on the front (if possible) and back. Write down 5 IMPORTANT facts as you watch the video. 1 point = 1 correctly written fact. I need to see at least (a minimum of) 5 facts.

6 Activating Prior Knowledge:
Warm-Up: - Statement: "I feel that our president is doing an outstanding job, and I agree with his policies." Do you agree? Do you Disagree? Why? Consider the reasons people criticize their leaders. Activating Prior Knowledge: Speculate on some possible objections to the New deal. List these in your notebook. What groups might feel that the New Deal did not represent their best interests?

7 Activity: Poster Project
- DIRECTIONS: Do’s and Don’ts of the I-Pads 1. You will sign in when using and sign out when you are done. You will write down your NAME next to the I-PAD # that you are working with and your INITIALS when you check it out. 2. When you are finished you PLUG IN YOUR I-PAD back into the cart and INITIAL. 3. You WILL NOT use the I-Pad to look/watch YouTube, play games, check your grades, use the art pad, etc.; do anything non-academic except for specifically looking up information at ABC-CLIO Databases via the LHS Library Resource Page. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED! WHERE TO FIND INFORMATION: YOU WILL NOT USE WIKIPEDIA. YOU WILL USE ABC-CLIO Databases.  About Us  Library  Legacy High School  ABC- CLIO Social Studies Failure to comply with directions WILL result in loss of privileges and a ZERO for the day.

8 Assessment: Fleshing out A Character
- Fill in the worksheet on fleshing out your character / organization. Replace “she” with “he” or “it” if not a person. You may use Chapters 21, 22, & 23 as well as your notes. When you have finished filling in the sections, show the teacher and receive a stamp. Closure: (On Notebook) Draw a picture about today's lesson.

9 Post-Lesson Announcements: Extra Credit & Homework
1. Receive TEN (10) Extra Credit points if you bring in ONE (1) unopened box of Tissue Paper. Only ONE (1) Per Quarter Per Student. Must be Unopened & Unused. Homework: Fleshing out a Character

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