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KVI Relationship Management

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1 KVI Relationship Management
CoMC 20th February 2019

2 Key Messages & Summary The percentage scores for ‘Don’t Trust’ and ‘Trust’ categories have reduced driving up the percentage for ‘Starting to Trust’. The December survey has had a significantly lower response rate compared to previous surveys. Action plans identified to address comments received around: Timeliness of response Using clearer language Consistency of service throughout Xoserve The chart above shows the changing profile of results across the three quarterly iterations of the Relationship Management KVI Survey The Inner Ring portrays the Jun ’18 results, the middle ring shows the Sep ‘18 results and the outer ring the Dec ‘18 results Starting at 12:00 moving clockwise, each ring shows the percentage of responses that were ’Don’t Trust’ (dark amber), ‘Starting to Trust’ (gold) and then ‘Trust’ (green)

3 Per-Question Results The charts above show the scoring for each individual question within the KVI Relationship Management survey In each case the Inner Ring portrays the Jun ’18 results, the middle ring shows the Sep ‘18 results and the outer ring the Dec ‘18 results Starting at 12:00 moving clockwise, each ring shows the percentage of responses that were ’Don’t Trust’ (dark amber), ‘Starting to Trust’ (gold) and then ‘Trust’ (green)

4 Statistics / Trends The December ‘18 cycle had the lowest response rate to date; possible factors contributing to this may have been: Timing - work build up prior to Christmas breaks; Survey fatigue Cycle Total Responses Attributed Anonymous With Comment Without Comment June ’18 34 15 7 3 9 Sept ’18 49 12 17 13 Dec ‘18 18 5 Table shows the total number of responses per cycle, and the breakdown of that total between attributed (respondent gave name) anonymous and those who left a comment vs. those who did not. Score Movements - September ‘18 to December ’18 - General reduction in the percentage of people scoring ‘Trust’ Putting the Customer First & Strategic Decision Making Delivery of Operational Services Both graphs show a movement Upward from Starting to Trust from Do not Trust a movement down from Trust into Starting to Trust Small percentage increase in those responding ‘Do not Trust’ Larger movement from Trust into Starting to Trust

5 Comment Themes & Actions
Detracting Themes Speedier response times are required to operational/everyday queries without needing to escalate Ease of access & quality of guidance and process material Understanding the customers needs by whole organisation not just 'front of house' Change Management - Communication and Transparency for IGTs Service Desk ticket responses are too complicated / not complete - avoid jargon and general signposting More timely and useful interactions with customers to give them time to complete actions Positive Themes The Customer Advocate role provides valuable support Xoserve is acting on feedback - changes are showing A specific comment cited the provision of ‘Excellent Support’ Actions Taken & Planned Customer Journey mapping undertaken covering interactions with the Service Desk; several improvement points highlighted some of which are already in place Topics for future customer journey mapping exercises are being captured and scheduled Tone of Voice training tailored to staff providing responses to queries and tickets to help reduce jargon and provide more useful responses. Website improvements to facilitate the location of existing resources and materials, a forward focus on improving existing materials, provision of a wider range of training events and new support materials and further development of the website to ensure users can find what they need in a way that suits them. Establishing the Customer Hub to help share our customers voices and share insight with our colleagues throughout the organisation to help us all think from the outside in when interacting.

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