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DPSCD PTA Training Series

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1 DPSCD PTA Training Series 2018-2019
Centering PTA Leadership on Hierarchy, Tools, Opportunities, etc.

2 Welcome Sibyl Collins Wilson President, Michigan PTA
Past Unit President (2 units) Past Unit VP Past Membership Chair Past VP of Membership

3 Goals of this Webinar PTA Mission and Difference
Hierarchy and Structures Update and Clarification on processes Leadership Goals and Standards of Affiliation Types of Year Discussion of roles and responsibilities Questions and Answers Networking

4 PTA Mission National PTA
PTA's mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. Michigan PTA Michigan PTA mobilizes the forces of school, home, and community in order to ensure a quality education and a nurturing environment for every child.

5 How PTA is Different Consider these facts that set PTA apart from other parent groups: PTA membership is open to anyone who cares about children PTA/PTSAs make their own decisions PTA offers programs such as Reflections and Three for Me that benefit schools and communities PTA believes the core value of parents is more than just fundraising; raising funds is the means through which the work and goals of PTA are carried out PTA provides access to valuable information and training programs at minimal cost PTA represents a unified voice for all children

6 PTA Hierarchy/Structure
National PTA Focuses on: PTA Leader Support and Development Conflict Resolution Standards of Affiliation Training and Support Advocacy Training and Education Brand Management Michigan PTA Region F Monroe and Wayne Counties District* ^This level will exist for DPSCD beginning in 2019 *These levels did not exist for DPSCD in 17-18 Council*^ Unit/School

7 DPSCD Hierarchy/Structure
Board of Education Focuses on: Student Achievement Fundraising Title I Accountability Staff Payments MOU with PTAs Brand Management Superintendent F.A.C.E. Principal/School Leader P.A.L. Unit/School

8 Update and Clarification on Processes
Old Way of Operating Current Way of Operating Staff and Office dedicated to Michigan PTA Physical office space Documents stored at office Members drove or mailed items to office Staff did not verify documents Company used to answer phones and take messages Post office box Paperless operations Members upload items to MemberHub Volunteers will verify documents

9 Where to find information
Old Way of Operating Current Way of Operating Pay unit dues through Michigan PTA website Register for events through Michigan PTA website , fax, or mail rosters for staff to input Call office for copies of documents Pay unit dues through MemberHub store Register for events though Eventbrite (free events) or MemberHub store (paid events) Upload members to MemberHub Create folder in MemberHub to store documents

10 Where to find information (continued)
Old Way of Operating Current Way of Operating Attend Summer Leadership Academy, Regional Training, and Annual Convention Back to School Kit mailed from National PTA Unit packets mailed from Michigan PTA Membership cards mailed to units Take basic classes online and attend in-person trainings, webinars, and Convention Local Leader Kit live online year- round at Communication via social media, , and websites Membership cards in MemberHub

11 Where to find information (continued)
Old Way of Operating Current Way of Operating Units created unique membership options that often did not follow the one member, one vote, one membership model Council leaders had reports that provided some metrics MemberHub reminds officers of the membership structure Council leaders will have reports with better detail and information

12 Leadership Goals Learn as much as you can about your role as well as those of the officers you support Read and take classes for your current role and the role(s) you want to pursue Attend as many training sessions as you can Keep notes and journals of experiences Pass on information to your successor in a timely manner Give everyone a shot to succeed

13 Standards of Affiliation
Unit Renewal Dues: $40 Updated Officer Contact Information Current Approved Budget Audit of Previous Year Copy of submitted 990 or rejection* Names and Dues of Members Current Bylaws submitted every three years Insurance Due by December 1st each year *if rejected, follow up with IRS as to why 990 was not accepted

14 SOA Requirement Implications
Annually to IRS File 990-N Postcard on Penalty for not filing: Immediate revocation after 3 years; lose tax exempt status Annually to Michigan PTA Submit Officer information Submit Budget approved by membership Submit Audit Submit Unit Dues Submit copy of filed 990-N Postcard Submit Insurance verification Submit membership (monthly) Penalty for not completing: Inability to participate in state and national programs; no good standing letter Every three years to Michigan PTA Submit bylaws (can submit any time there is a major change; clock restarts) Penalty for not completing: Affects SOA and ability to participate in state and national programs; no good standing letter As Requested to DPSCD Sign MOU Penalty for not filing: TBD by MOU/District

15 Suggested SOA Timeline
Item for SOA Recommendation Unit Dues Audit Budget Bylaws Submit through MemberHub by June 1st Submit as soon as fiscal year ends, usually by July/August Submit as soon as members approve Submit as soon as members approve but no later than every 3 years

16 Suggested SOA Timeline (continued)
Item for SOA Recommendation Officers Member names and dues Update officers as soon as they are elected. Once the new fiscal year begins, s will not go to the previous year’s officers. Submit members through MemberHub as soon as you get them. Membership is due in MemberHub by the 28th of every month.

17 Suggested SOA Timeline (continued)
Item for SOA Recommendation Insurance 990 Submit insurance certificate as soon as it is received. This will be available in MemberHub next year. Submit 990 five months and 15 days after the close of the unit’s fiscal year—November 15th for most units.

18 Different type of “year”
Calendar year: January 1-December 31 Fiscal year: typically July 1-June 30 Membership year: October 1-September 30 School funding year: October 1-September 30

19 Resources Michigan PTA Office: 734-975-9500
Michigan PTA Website: National PTA Website: MemberHub: Webinars: Michigan PTA s and advocacy alerts Michigan PTA Facebook page National PTA Facebook page Michigan PTA Local Leaders Handbook (January) National PTA Local Leader Kit National PTA DIY Membership Kit

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