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Primary Longman Elect 6B Chapter 5 Adverbs of manner.

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1 Primary Longman Elect 6B Chapter 5 Adverbs of manner

2 Adverbs of manner We use adverbs to describe an action.
We usually add ly to an adjective to form an adverb. The adverb comes after the verb in a sentence. Ted is quiet. Ted sits quietly. verb adverb

3 Adverbs of manner When the adjective ends with –y, we change the y to i, then add ly. The girl is laughing happily.

4 Adverbs Sometimes the adjective and the adverb are the same.
The boy is late. The boy woke up late this morning.

5 Adverbs Adjectives Spelling rules Examples brave  bravely
quick  quickly rude  rudely Usually add ly angry  angrily happy  happily Adjectives ending with -y change y to i, then add ly hard  hard fast  fast late  late Others no change OR good  well change the whole word

6 Practice 1 brave  bravely 2 kind  kindly 3 warm  warmly 4 angry 
5 fast  6 excited  7 bad  8 hard  9 careful  bravely kindly warmly angrily fast excitedly badly hard carefully

7 We use adverbs to describe verbs.
Key structure I hurt my knee badly. We use adverbs to describe verbs. We usually add –ly or –ily to adjectives to form adverbs. Sometimes we don’t: e.g. She is fast. She runs fast. Adjectives brave kind warm careful excited bad Adverbs bravely kindly warmly carefully excitedly badly Adjectives angry happy hard fast Adverbs angrily happily hard fast

8 Practice Choose the correct answers. 1 Tom read the poem / .
I wish I could be / like him. 2 My brother is / but my sister doesn’t study / 3 We should all be / on Charity Day. Please give / confident confidently confident confidently diligent diligently diligent diligently generous generously generous generously

9 Practice Choose the correct answers. 4 He carried the candle / .
He was / because he did not want to drop it. 5 Katie is a / pupil. She always does / in tests. careful carefully careful carefully good well good well

10 The End

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