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Early Education Funding November 2018

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1 Early Education Funding November 2018
Information Session Early Education Funding November 2018 Early Years and Childcare Service

2 Agenda Update / recap 30 hour codes / DAF / EYPP Provider Agreement
Sufficiency module Quality – Ofsted Update WDU – Mylo Any questions? Early Years & Childcare Service

3 30 hours code Much less discretion from Spring term 2019
Providers must remind parents to check codes when: In grace period If end date for code eligibility is that term Providers must check code when child starts As from January the LA has much less discretion over codes and cannot accept codes with start dates dated after 31st December 2018 unless the parents/carers can prove that they applied before 31/12/18 so it is vitally important that providers remind all parents to check their codes are valid for the next term. The LA will shortly be carrying out an audit of codes prior to making the spring term live. Any child with a grace period ending 31st December MUST renew their code before they can take up the extended entitlement for the Spring term. Early Years & Childcare Service

4 Checking 30 hours codes There are two ways to check 30 hours codes:
Eligibility Checker Or 2. Adding a child to the current headcount via the funding tab


6 Enter required details

7 The checker tells you whether it is a valid code, but the code may not be eligible for the current term therefore it is very important that the code dates are also checked. In the example shown, the code ends 20th August, so whilst it is a valid code, a new family would need to renew the code before the start of the autumn term as a child cannot start a new provider during the grace period of a code. An existing child would be in the grace period but would need to renew before the spring term.

8 Checking a code via the headcount
The LA encourages providers to enter their child details as soon as possible as it is easier for parents to sort out any reconfirmation issues before the start of term

9 KL/JH Above screenshot is a snapshot of the actuals tab on the portal taken for the Summer term. It shows the 30 hours codes validity and end dates so you can see which children were in their grace period and who needed to re-confirm before they could access the extended entitlement for the Autumn term. We will carry out an audit of codes shortly so the validity dates will change if parents have renewed their eligibility. For those that have still not renewed their grace period end date will still show as 31st December so you will need to prompt them to renew before 31st December PLEASE NOTE – new children joining your setting for the Spring term cannot take up the extended entitlement if they are already in their grace period. As from January we have much less discretion over codes and cannot accept codes with start dates dated after 31st December 2018 unless the parents/carers can prove that they applied before 31/12/18

10 Change to the parent/carer tab on the Portal
CHANGE TO THE PARENT /CARER TAB for version which is currently being tested - when providers have entered the parents details they will need to tick to say that they have parent consent to check for 30 hours, EYPP or both. The back of the parent declaration form has a section for 30 hours that the parent signs and an EYPP section that they sign to say they agree that the LA can use their information to check their eligibility for either 30hours or EYPP or both.

11 Disability Access Fund
Introduced April 2017. Fixed sum of £615 per eligible child per year. To support providers to make initial reasonable adjustments and build the capacity of their setting to support disabled children. Child does not have to access the full 570 / 1140 hours entitlement to receive the full payment. Early Years & Childcare Service

12 Disability Access Fund
The payment can only be made to one provider. If a child splits their entitlement, the parent must nominate which provider should receive the DAF. If the child changes provider within the year, the new provider will not receive another payment. 4 year olds in reception classes are not eligible for DAF. Completed application forms and evidence must be sent by secure . Only tick the box on the portal if you have a signed application and supporting evidence If the child changes childcare provider within the year, the new setting will not receive another payment of the DAF. The new provider will need to wait until the following year. Please note that four-year olds in primary school reception classes are not eligible for DAF funding. Funding can be pooled for example across partnerships to fund specific training etc. This would be a good example of use and evidence for Ofsted. (Similar to EYPP) Early Years & Childcare Service

13 EYPP – Amended Process We now run EYPP checks fortnightly for any new children entered onto the portal. As soon as a provider enters EYPP/Child Details onto the portal, they will be EYPP checked at the next fortnightly check run. You will therefore be able to see the result sooner in the Provider Portal. Once eligible, the child remains eligible In order to undertake the an EYPP eligibility check we need the Parent NI number/ Parent DOB / Parent Surname. As soon as you enter these details they will be checked on the next EYPP run and the result will show on the summary page of the provider portal. Early Years & Childcare Service

14 Provider Agreement Draft version of the provider agreement shared with EEF Advisory Group in September. The final agreement will be sent out to all early years providers for signing shortly. Will only need to sign one agreement for chain / groups of nurseries. The draft document was shared with the EEF Advisory group (previously the NEF Working Group) in September, our legal team are just adding final tweaks, mainly around updates relating to Data Protection / GDPR . We hope to send out the final agreement to providers within the next few weeks, for you to read, and return a sign copy for the LA to keep on file. For chains / groups of nurseries, you will only need to sign one agreement, but we will send out clarification on this, who needs to sign etc when we send out the agreement. Early Years & Childcare Service

15 Sufficiency Module Early Years & Childcare Service
With the updated 18.2 version of the module due to be introduced shortly. there will be a new sufficiency tab, for providers to submit their termly occupancy data. There will be options to submit data for term time and school holidays, under these headings you will then be able to select the year and term that you want to provide the data for – consistent with the funding term options. If you are open all year round and have the same capacity for term time and school holidays you can just copy the data across from one tab to another to save entering it twice Early Years & Childcare Service

16 Once you have chosen the year and term, you will then be able to input your data in the same format as you did for the LA for the summer term via the survey monkey. The LA will pre populate the age ranges that you offer and providers will then add in the number of places that you offer for the morning and afternoon sessions for each day of the week. ‘Offered’ is the TOTAL number of places that you are able to offer for that age range for that session. You then add in the number of vacancies that you currently have for that session, which then allows thw LA to calculate the occupancy rates. Please note that the number entered under the vacancy section cannot be greater than the number in the offered section. If you do not offer places for a particular session, please put in a 0 rather than leaving it blank. You can then also add in the typical cost and again you can do this per day/ per hour / per session. Just to re-iterate, there will be the expectation that all Providers will complete this section, it will not be shared with parents, it will only be used by the LA to determine capacities across the city for different age groups and hence allow us to undertake our annual CSA.

17 30 hours communications
Just a reminder that the Childcare Choices website does have promotional material for both providers and LAs to use to help promote the 30 hours and to remind parents to go online regularly to reconfirm their code. Early Years & Childcare Service

18 30 hours communications Early Years & Childcare Service
This is the current message which childcare choices are promoting to parents, reminding parents to apply for a code for the spring term by 30th November to ensure that if eligible they can access a 30 hours place from the 1st January 2019 Early Years & Childcare Service

19 Ofsted Update Recent Ofsted inspections Current themes
Local Authority support Future plans Recent Ofsted Inspections – share info sheet and themes The team are able to offer Advisory support pre and post Ofsted – we would encourage you to ring your advisor when you get the call from Ofsted so they can offer any support that is needed. They can also attend the feedback session which can be very useful for providers as the ofsted report is very short and it can be difficult to capture all of the feedback that the Ofsted inspector provides if you are on your own. The team can also offer support on how to spend EYPP, DAF and deprivation funding. Quality Improvement Networks will be held on a termly basis, they will take the form of workshops rather than training, with the first sessions being held on 21st and 23rd November and having a focus on language. Any suggested topics for future sessions would be welcome.

20 Any questions? Early Years & Childcare Service

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