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What is the turning point for Scrooge?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the turning point for Scrooge?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the turning point for Scrooge?
Justify your decision.

2 Write definitions for the following features:
Pathetic fallacy Spiritual imagery Light imagery Festive imagery Light symbolism Motif of light Simile Metaphor Sensory Language Contrast Juxtaposition Irony Repetition Humour Dialogue

3 Map out Scrooge’s journey in ‘A Christmas Carol’
Look at your notes and evaluate the main events. Once complete you will need to map out the following Events Contextual links Key Quotations Features and Language used for effect.

4 Features used for effect
Contextual links Event Key quotations Features used for effect

5 Model: Features: Sensory Language Symbolism
Context: Victorian obsession with the supernatural Attitude and behaviour of rich Victorian gentleman (money and greed) Morality and Dickens highlighting man’s offences and own punishment Model: Key quotations: ‘The chain he drew was clasped about his middle’ ‘I girded it on of my own free will’ ‘The wealth and length of the strong coil you bear yourself? Event: Scroogeis visited by Marley’s ghost and this is foreshadowed when he sees him in the door knocker Features: Sensory Language Symbolism Metaphor Tension

6 Homework Complete your map of Scrooge’s journey to redemption.

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