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Baltic Sea Challenge – Cities for a Healthier Sea LALRG experience

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Presentation on theme: "Baltic Sea Challenge – Cities for a Healthier Sea LALRG experience"— Presentation transcript:

1 Baltic Sea Challenge – Cities for a Healthier Sea LALRG experience
Tallinn, Zane Dūze Adviser on Foreign Affair Issues Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments

2 Target audience Cities and municipalities different size
different localtion diffrent circumstances

3 What we were trying to do?
raise awareness on the state of the Baltic Sea, its waters and coast to raise awareness on measures that can be taken to improve to promote dialogue to give opportunity to learn others’ experience to consider development of an action plan

4 How did we do it? Grass–root level activities and awareness raising
Meetings on local level involving different stakeholders International project events

5 Grass-root level activities
Clean-up day in spring 2011

6 Local seminar in Carnikava
Coastal protection Ownership rights in coastal area Experience from our neighbours Local seminar in Carnikava February 2011

7 Local seminar in Roja October 2011
Planning and financing Maintenance of seaside resorts Development of infrastructure Coastal construction rules

8 Seminars and workshop Jurmala, June 2011
Seminar “From planning to concrete activities – action plan” Seminar and workshop “Influencing policymaking”

9 International project events
Make a Name Day - examples on successful water protection work, Helsnki, January 2011 Local actors as forerunners, Tallinn, March 2011 Water system protection as everyday life, Janeda, August 2011 Study exchange, Turku, November 2011

10 How are we going to proceed?
Handbook of action plans Local guidelines Issues to be solved before creating an action plan Local seminar for coastal municiplaities Joint activities with the Association of Estonian Cities to challenge new actors Awareness raising activities :

11 Thank you! Broom for a healthier sea

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